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The National Council for Technical Education (NACTE) was established by Act of Parliament Cap. 129 to oversee and coordinate the provision of technical education and training in Tanzania.
Technical education and training in this context is defined as:“Education and training undertaken by students to equip them to play roles requiring higher levels of skills, knowledge, understanding and attitudes/ethics and in which they take responsibility for their areas of specialization.”
Orodha ya Vyuo/Taasisi Zinazoruhusiwa Kufanya Udahili wa Wanafunzi Wapya
Na | Name of Instituion |
1. | AMO Training Centre - Bugando |
2. | Arafah Teachers' College - Tanga |
3. | Archbishop John Ramadhan School of Nursing - Korogwe |
4. | Ardhi Institute - Tabora |
5. | Ardhi Institute Morogoro - Morogoro |
6. | Arusha Institute of Business Studies - Arusha |
7. | Arusha Lutheran Medical Centre School of Nursing - Arusha |
8. | Arusha Technical College - Arusha |
9. | Assistant Medical Officers Training College -Mbeya |
10. | Bagamoyo School of Nursing - Bagamoyo |
11. | Bariadi Teachers College - Bariadi |
12. | Berega School of Nursing - Kilosa |
13. | Besha Health Training Institute - Tanga |
14. | Bishop Nicodemus Hando College of Health Sciences - Babati |
15. | Borigaram Agriculture Technical College - Dar es Salaam |
16. | Bugando School of Nursing - Nyamagana |
17. | Bulongwa Health Sciences Institute - Makete |
18. | Bulongwa Training Institute - Makete |
19. | Bustani Teachers’ College - Kondoa |
20. | Butimba Teachers College - Nyamagana |
21. | Capital Teachers’ College - Dodoma |
22. | Centre for Foreign Relations - Dar-es-Salaam |
23. | Coast Teachers College - Kibaha |
24. | College of Business and Management - Dar es Salaam |
25. | College of Business Education - Dar-es-Salaam |
26. | College of Business Education - Dodoma |
27. | College of Business Education – Mwanza Campus |
28. | Dabaga Institute of Agriculture - Kilolo |
29. | Dar es Salaam School of Journalism - Dar es Salaam |
30. | Dar-es-Salaam Institute of Technology - Dar-es-Salaam |
31. | Dar-es-Salaam Maritime Institute - Dar-es-Salaam |
32. | Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre - Dar-es-Salaam |
33. | Eastern and Southern African Management Institute - Arusha |
34. | Ebonite Institute of Education - Dar es Salaam |
35. | Eckernforde Teachers' College - Tanga |
36. | Elijerry Training Centre - Muheza |
37. | Faraja Health Training Institute - Moshi |
38. | Forest Industries Training Institute (FITI) - Moshi |
39. | Forestry Training Institute (FTI) Olmotonyi - Arusha |
40. | Future World Business College - Dar es Salaam |
41. | Geita School of Nursing - Geita |
42. | Habari Maalum College - Arusha |
43. | Heri Nursing School - Kigoma |
44. | Huruma Health Training Institute - Rombo |
45. | Igabiro Training Institute of Agriculture - Muleba |
46. | Ilasi Training Institute - Mbozi |
47. | Ilembula Institute of Health and Allied Sciences - Njombe |
48. | Ilonga Teachers’ College - Kilosa |
49. | Ilula Nursing School - Kilolo |
50. | Institute of Accountancy Arusha - Arusha |
51. | Institute of Adult Education - Dar-es-Salaam |
52. | Institute of Adult Education – Mwanza |
53. | Institute of Finance Management - Dar-es-Salaam |
54. | Institute of Finance Management - Mwanza Campus |
55. | Institute of Procurement and Supply - Dar-es-Salaam |
56. | Institute of Rural Development and Planning – Mwanza Campus |
57. | Institute of Rural Development and Planning - Dodoma |
58. | Institute of Social Work - Dar-es-Salaam |
59. | Institute of Tax Administration - Dar-es-Salaam |
60. | Isimila Nursing School - Iringa |
61. | Kabanga School of Nursing - Kasulu |
62. | Kahama College of Health Sciences - Kahama |
63. | Kairuki School of Nursing - Dar es Salaam |
64. | Kaliua Institute of Community Development -Tabora |
65. | KAM college of Health Sciences - Dar es Salaam |
66. | KAPS Community Development Institute - Mufindi |
67. | Karagwe Institute of Allied Health Sciences - Karagwe |
68. | Karatu Health Training Institute - Karatu |
69. | Karume Institute of Science and Technology - Zanzibar |
70. | Kasulu Teachers College - Kasulu |
71. | Katoro Teachers College - Bukoba |
72. | KCMC AMO General School Moshi - Moshi |
73. | KCMC AMO Ophthalmology School - Moshi |
74. | KCMC School of Physiotherapy - Moshi |
75. | Kibaha College of Health and Allied Sciences - Kibaha |
76. | Kidugala Teachers College - Njombe |
77. | Kilacha Agriculture and Livestock Training Institute - Moshi |
78. | Kilema College of Health Sciences - Moshi |
79. | Kilimanjaro Agricultural Training Centre - Moshi |
80. | Kilimanjaro Institute of Technology and Management - Dar es Salaam |
81. | Kilimanjaro International Institute for Telecommunications, Electronics and Computers (KIITEC) - Arusha |
82. | Kilimanjaro Modern Teachers' College - Moshi |
83. | Kilimanjaro School of Pharmacy - Moshi |
84. | Kilombero Agricultural Training and Research Institute (KATRIN) - Kilombero |
85. | King’ori Teachers’ College - Arusha |
86. | Kirinjiko Islamic Teachers' College - Same |
87. | Kisanga Teacher’s College - Dar es Salaam |
88. | Kisongo Teachers' College - Arusha |
89. | Kiuma Nursing School -Tunduru |
90. | Kiuma Teachers College - Tunduru |
91. | Kizimbani Agricultural Training Institute - Zanzibar |
92. | Kolandoto College of Health Sciences - Shinyanga |
93. | Livestock Training Agency - Mpwapwa |
94. | Livestock Training Agency (LITA) - Dar es Salaam |
95. | Livestock Training Agency Buhuri Campus - Tanga |
96. | Livestock Training Agency Kikulula - Karagwe |
97. | LUA Teacher’s College - Dar es Salaam |
98. | Lugala School of Nursing - Ulanga |
99. | Lugalo Military College of Medical Sciences - Dar es Salaam |
100. | Lugarawa Health Training Institute - Ludewa |
101. | Mabughai Community Development Technical Training Institute - Lushoto |
102. | Machame Health Training Institute - Moshi |
103. | Makambako Institute of Health Sciences - Makambako |
104. | Mamire Teachers' College - Babati |
105. | Mamre Agriculture and Livestock College - Wanging’ombe |
106. | Mandaka Teachers’ College - Moshi |
107. | Mbalizi Polytechnic College - Mbeya |
108. | Mineral Resources Institute - Dodoma |
109. | Ministry of Agriculture Training Institute - Mbeya |
110. | Ministry of Agriculture Training Institute (MATI) Mtwara - Mtwara |
111. | Ministry of Agriculture Training Institute Igurusi -Mbeya |
112. | Mirembe School of Nursing - Dodoma |
113. | MISO Teachers College - Mufindi |
114. | Monduli Teachers' College - Monduli |
115. | Montessori Teachers' Training Centre - Lushoto |
116. | Montessori Training Centre - Mwanza |
117. | Montessori Teacher Training College - Mtwara |
118. | Moravian Teachers Training College - Mbeya |
119. | Morogoro Teachers College - Morogoro |
120. | Moshi Teachers’ College - Moshi |
121. | Mpuguso Teacher Training College - Tukuyu |
122. | Ms Training Centre for Development Cooperation - Arusha |
123. | Mt. Maria Goretti Agriculture Training Institute - Kilolo |
124. | Mtwara (K) Teachers College - Mtwara |
125. | Mtwara Clinical officers training Centre - Mtwara |
126. | Mtwara Nursing Training College (MNTC) - Mtwara |
127. | Mufindi Teachers College - Mufindi |
128. | MusomaUtalii College - Tabora |
129. | Muyoge Health Science and Management College - Mafinga |
130. | Mvumi Institute of Health Sciences - Dodoma |
131. | Mwambani School of Nursing - Songwe |
132. | Mweka College of African Wildlife Management - Moshi |
133. | National College of Tourism (NCT), Temeke Campus - Dar es Salaam |
134. | National College of Tourism, Bustani Campus - Dar es Salaam |
135. | National Institute of Transport - Dar-es-Salaam |
136. | Nazareth College of Education - Mbinga |
137. | Ndala Teachers’ College - Nzega |
138. | Ndolage School of Nursing - Bukoba |
139. | New Mafinga Health and Allied Institute - Mafinga |
140. | Newala School of Nursing - Mtwara |
141. | Njombe Health Training Institute - Njombe |
142. | Njombe School of Nursing - Njombe |
143. | Njuweni Institute of Hotel, Catering and Tourism Management - Kibaha |
144. | Nkinga Institute of Health Sciences - Igunga |
145. | Northern Highlands Teachers’ College - Moshi |
146. | Operating Theatre Management School - Mbeya |
147. | Paradigms College of Health Sciences - Dar es Salaam |
148. | Peramiho School of Nursing - Songea |
149. | Primary Health Care Institute - Iringa |
150. | Richrice Teachers College - Geita |
151. | Rubya Health Training Institute - Muleba |
152. | Rungemba Teacher College - Iringa |
153. | Rungwe International College of Business and Entrepreneurship Development - Rungwe |
154. | School of Optometry – KCMC - Moshi |
155. | Sengerema Clinical Officers Training Institute - Sengerema |
156. | Shirati College of Health Scinces - Rorya |
157. | Shiwanda Teachers College - Mbozi |
158. | Singachini Teachers' College - Moshi |
159. | Singida Health Laboratory Assistants School - Singida |
160. | Songe Teachers’ College - Kilindi |
161. | Songea Teachers College - Songea |
162. | Sr. Dr. Thekla Nyangao School of Nursing - Mtwara |
163. | St Aggrey College of Health Science - Mbeya |
164. | St. Alberto Teachers College - Musoma |
165. | St. Bakhita Health Training Institute - Nkasi |
166. | St. Bernard Teachers’ College - Singida |
167. | St. Gaspar School of Nursing - Itigi |
168. | St. John College of Health Science - Mbeya |
169. | St. Magdalene School of Nursing - Misenyi |
170. | St. Mary’s Teachers College - Dar es Salaam |
171. | St. Monica Teachers College - Iringa |
172. | St. Rock College of Early Education - Korogwe |
173. | Sumve School of Nursing - Kwimba |
174. | Sunrise Teachers College - Mbozi |
175. | Suye Health Institute – Arusha |
176. | Tanzania Correctional Training Academy - Dar es Salaam |
177. | Tanzania Institute of Accountancy - Dar-es-Salaam |
178. | Tanzania Institute of Accountancy – Mbeya Campus |
179. | Tanzania Institute of Accountancy - Mwanza Campus |
180. | Tanzania Institute of Accountancy – Singida Campus |
181. | Tanzania Peoples Defence Force ICT Centre - Dar es Salaam |
182. | Tanzania Police School - Moshi |
183. | Tanzania Police Staff College - Kidatu |
184. | Tanzania Regional Immigration Training Academy - Moshi |
185. | Tanzania Training Center for International Health (TTCIH) - Ifakara |
186. | Tengeru Community Development Training Institute - Arusha |
187. | The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy - Dar-es-Salaam |
188. | The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy - Zanzibar |
189. | Tumaini Jipya Medical Training School - Mafinga |
190. | Tusaale Teachers College - Mufindi |
191. | University of Dar es Salaam Computing Centre - Mwanza |
192. | Unique Academy - Dar-es-Salaam |
193. | University Computing Centre - Dodoma |
194. | University of Dar es Salaam Computing Centre - Arusha |
195. | University of Dar es salaam Computing Centre - Mbeya Campus |
196. | Ununio Institute of Professionals - Dar es Salaam |
197. | Vector Control Training Centre - Muheza |
198. | VETA Kipawa ICT Centre - Dar es Salaam |
199. | Vikindu Teachers College - Mkuranga |
200. | Visele Live-Crop Skills Training Centre - Mpwapwa |
201. | Waama Lutheran Teachers’ College - Mbulu |
202. | Wami International College of Business Management - Morogoro |
203. | Water Development and Management Institute - Dar-es-Salaam |
204. | Yohana Wavenza Health Institute - Songwe |
205. | Zanzibar College of Business Education - Zanzibar |
206. | Zanzibar Law Resource Centre - Zanzibar |
207. | Zanzibar Police College - Zanzibar |
208. | Zanzibar School of Journalism and Media Studies - Zanzibar |