3 Job Opportunities Tulonge Afya Project at SHDEPHA, Kahama | Deadline: 27th May, 2018
SHDEPHA+Kahama is the organization that was registered and incorporated under the companies Act of 2002. The organization was registered on 27th April 1994. Currently, SHDEPHA+ Kahama is working in partnership with T-MARC Tanzania to implement the project entitled “Tulonge Afya in Kahama Town Council. The project aims to achieve three results namely: 1. Result 1: Improved ability of individuals to practice healthy behaviors
2. Result 2: Strengthened community support for health behaviors
3. Result 3: Improved systems for coordination and implementation of SBCC
SHDEPHA+ Kahama as an implementingpartner of the project entitled ‘’ Tulonge Afya project in Kahama Town Council” is looking for the experts to fill in the following vacant positions (Click title to open):
1. Accountant
2. Project Manager
3. Monitoring and Evaluation and Learning