Adolescents, Young Women and HIV Consultant Job Opportunity at UNICEF Tanzania | Deadline: 6th August, 2018

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Adolescents, Young Women and HIV Consultant, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Job Vacancy at UNICEF | Deadline: 6th August, 2018
Job Number: 514954
Locations: Africa: Tanzania,Uni.Re
Work Type : Consultancy
Background: Today, there are almost 12 million adolescents in Tanzania aged between 10 and 19 years about 23 per cent of the population. In addition, about 13 per cent of the population is 20-24 years old. The number of adolescents in Tanzania is expected to increase to almost 30 million by 2050. Adolescents and young people are the promise and a huge potential in terms of human capital for Tanzania's development. The Government of Tanzania has recognized the importance of its young women and men with a number of policies, plans and programmes in place, including the Government's Second National Five-Year Development Plan (2016/2017 – 2020/2021), the National Road Map Strategic Plan to Improve Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child & Adolescent Health in Tanzania 2016-2020: One Plan II, the new National Multisector Strategic Framework on HIV 2018-2021, and a new National Youth Policy. In addition, Tanzania is also developing a new Social Protection Policy. 
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While progress has been made in Tanzania to reduce HIV prevalence from 5.1 to 4.7 in the adult population 15-49 years, yet 40 percent of all new HIV infections are in adolescents and young people, mostly girls, pointing to the urgent need to further reduce HIV incidence amongst adolescent girls and young women (AGYW). This requires a gender-responsive and evidence-based approach that builds on existing, holistic and multi-sectorial programs and brings them to scale. While some efforts exist to preventing HIV infections and unwanted pregnancies in adolescent girls and young women such as the Cash Plus initiative, DREAMS, the GFATM Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) funding to the country provides an important opportunity to scale up and achieve results for this important population group. These efforts require robust national and subnational multi sector coordination. The Tanzania Commission for AIDS (TACAIDS) is mandated to oversee multi sector coordination related to HIV and the structural drivers associated with new HIV infections in young people, especially among young women. However, there is an urgent need to further develop national capacity for more effective inter sector coordination and implementing layered interventions for adolescent girls and young women. This is critical to avoid fragmentation and align and harmonize efforts intended to improve strategically outcomes for adolescent girls and young women. 

This consultancy is in response to a TACAIDS request to support the Commission in improving coordination, monitoring and documentation of multi sector adolescent and young women's (AGYW) programmes to prevent HIV infection and promote their well-being. In particular, the request came as a result of a new Global Fund grant awarded to TACAIDS to scale up AGYW oriented programmes in the country. Under this grant, close collaboration with a range of government entities, including TASAF, NGOs and Development Partners is required. This also provide an opportunity to support TACAIDS in harmonizing Global Fund and other investments into programmes focusing on adolescent girls and young women.
Therefore, UNICEF is seeking the services of a senior technical consultant to support TACAIDS in the overall coordination, monitoring and documentation of AGYW programmes. Below are the main activities of support.

Specific Tasks
  • Support TACAIDS to develop AGYW programme implementation guidance notes, including in close consultation with TASAF and AMREF and other stakeholders.
  • Prepare and conduct bi annual and annual national coordination meetings on the AGYW programme and produce summary reports.
  • Develop and manage a country level AGYW monitoring and evaluation framework supported by a monitoring dashboard for performance reviews.
  • Liaise with stakeholders that other programmes with and for adolescents and young women are streamlined into the same coordination platform.
  • Liaise with AMREF and TASAF and other stakeholders to monitor the implementation arrangements that adolescent girls and young women who are receiving cash transfers (in and out of school) will be reached with bundled services.
  • Document best practices in AGYW programme implementation.
  • Support capacity building of regional coordination mechanisms on adolescents and young women and HIV.
  • Provide technical support to strengthen the involvement of AGYW constituencies in the national and regional coordination mechanisms.
  • Provide technical inputs into the AGYW baseline and other monitoring reports
  • Produce succinct status updates of the AGYW programme for sharing with stakeholders
  • Support TACAIDS to strengthen engagement of and regularly liaise with other sectors, in particular with the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Community Development, Gender and Children (MCDGC), Prime Minister’s Office, UN, Bilaterals and major Civil Society partners on the implementation of AGYW oriented programmes

The consultant will be under the direct management of the TACAIDS Acting Director of National Response, with regular oversight from the Chief of HIV at UNICEF Tanzania. He/she will work in close contact with relevant TACAIDS staff, as well as senior government staff from other government agencies and NGO staff. He/she will also work closely with UN, Development Partners and NGO partners. He/She will also work closely with AGYW constituencies to strengthen their participation in the programme and coordination efforts.

Expected Deliverables
  1. AGYW programme implementation guidance notes on reaching girls and young women in and out school with comprehensive services developed.
  2. Tanzania AGYW monitoring and evaluation framework
  3. Performance monitoring dashboard developed and regularly updated.
  4. AGYW survey report
  5. Summary reports of bi annual meeting and annual national coordination meeting for AGYW programme
  6. DREAMS, Cash Plus and other initiatives progress documented at AGYW/AYAS meeting for knowledge sharing and harmonization of efforts.
  7. National and regional coordination platforms with approved ToRs
  8. A group of AGYW constituencies trained to participate in national and regional coordination mechanisms.
  9. At least three good best practices in AGYW programme implementation documented.
  10. Analytical status update reports on the AGYW programme implementation

Payment Schedule
Programme Implementation Guidance Note Month 1
Monitoring and evaluation framework Month 2
AGYW baseline survey report Month 3
Analytical status update report with updates on national and regional coordination, including ToR Month 4
Summary reports of coordination meetings, including on DREAMS and Cash Plus and other AGYW programme progress Month 5
Performance monitoring dashboard updated Month 6
Training report of AGYW constituency Month 7
Good practice report on AGYW programme implementation Month 8/9
Performance monitoring dashboard updated and summary report Month 10
Monthly report submitted the first week of every month to TACAIDS and UNICEF, describing progress to date and submission of deliverables.

Expected Qualifications and Experience
  • Advanced university degree in public health, social science or related field
  • Eight years or more of experience in HIV-related programming, at national or decentralized levels
  • Demonstrated experience in adolescent/youth programming
  • Demonstrated experience in monitoring and evaluation
  • Expertise in gender and social and behavior change communication an advantage
  • Demonstrated experience programme management and coordination at national level
  • Excellent analytical and report writing skills as well as good negotiation and communication skills
  • Good command of spoken and written English and Kiswahili

General Conditions: Procedures and Logistics
  • The consultant will be based at TACAIDS, with occasional travel to regions
  • The consultant should provide his/her own laptop.
  • The consultant is expected to have access to TACAIDS transport
  • The consultant will be paid monthly on presentation of deliverables, and not paid for sick days or days off.
  • Local flights of the consultant, when required, for work purposes, will be covered by UNICEF upon prior approval of a UNICEF Travel Authorization.

Policy both parties should be aware of:
  • Under the consultancy agreements, a month is defined as 21 working days, and fees are prorated accordingly. Consultants are not paid for weekends or public holidays.
  • Consultants are not entitled to payment of overtime.  All remuneration must be within the contract agreement.
  • No contract may commence unless the contract is signed by both UNICEF and the consultant or Contractor.
  • For international consultants outside the duty station, signed contracts must be sent by fax or email.  Signed contract copy or written agreement must be received by the office before Travel Authorisation is issued.
  • No consultant may travel without a signed travel authorisation prior to the commencement of the journey to the duty station.
  • Consultants will not have supervisory responsibilities or authority on UNICEF budget.
  • Consultant will be required to sign the Health statement for consultants/Individual contractor prior to taking up the assignment, and to document that they have appropriate health insurance, including Medical Evacuation.
  • The Form 'Designation, change or revocation of beneficiary' must be completed by the consultant upon arrival, at the HR Section.
Opening Date Mon Jul 30 2018 09:00:00 GMT+0300 (E. Africa Standard Time) E. Africa Standard Time
Closing Date Mon Aug 06 2018 23:55:00 GMT+0300 (E. Africa Standard Time)