Picture this: You have lost your job and stayed for quite a while without getting another job.
Second scenario:You left your previous job to start a business,the business fails and you resort to employment again.
You attend an interview and the panel asks you why have you been unemployed for such a long time.
This could be a mind boggling question for any job seeker since this shows there is a gap in your CV.
How to answer the why have you been unemployed for such a long time question
How to answer the why have you been unemployed for such a long time question
When responding to this question, you should attempt to remain positive while being honest with your answer.
Having a strong answer prepared will help you to present yourself in a professional manner.
1. Answer the question directly and proactively.
Don’t try to avoid the question. First, let the employer
know that you are passionate about your profession and have not been
applying to any and every job.
Then, talk about your background and experience, and let
the employer know that you understand your competition is tough, but
that what sets you apart from other job seekers are x, y, and z.
2. Have other professional activities to talk about.
2. Have other professional activities to talk about.
While job searches can take lots of time, it’s important to
demonstrate to employers that you have been doing other
professionally-related activities during your unemployment.
In addition to looking for work, you should be prepared to
talk about the other activities you’ve been a part of, for example,
volunteering, taking classes, and/or attending professional events.
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3. Consider sharing personal accomplishments.
Similar in nature to the previous tip, in many cases it’s
appropriate to discuss personal accomplishments that you’ve achieved in
your time off.
This can help employers get a better sense of who you are and how you set goals for yourself.
4.Stay positive.
Employers are aware of the difficult situation for job
seekers, but now is not the time to unload the frustration or negativity
you may be feeling because of your unemployment.
Employers want to hire positive people — people who
actively demonstrate resolve, fortitude, and optimism. People who see
the glass half full and not half empty.
How not to answer the question
Do not go into the interview without a why have you been
unemployed for such a long time response prepared. It will be difficult
to formulate an adequate response on the spot.Do not say that you have
been looking for a job, even if this is true. It will send up a red flag
to employers and they will wonder why you haven’t been hired yet.If you
were fired or laid off, do not launch into a sob story about the
experience. Feel free to explain the situation if you feel that you were
wronged, but avoid becoming emotional and griping about the other
Do not lament the job market situation. This makes you appear weak and suggests that you are playing the victim.
Do not lament the job market situation. This makes you appear weak and suggests that you are playing the victim.
By preparing to answer this question and other difficult
interview questions ahead of time, you’re much more likely to make a
solid impression with any potential employer on why have you been
unemployed for such a long time.