Consultancy Opportunity at JSI | Deadline: 2nd October 2018

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Jobs in Tanzania: Consultancy Opportunity at JSI | Deadline: 2nd October 2018
Terms of Reference
Terms of Reference for the development of Planning guide for inclusion of social welfare activities in the CCHP guideline and Council PlanRep
Introduction The Community Health and Social Welfare Systems’ Strengthening Program (CHSSP) is seeking a highly qualified Tanzanian consultant/consultancy firm to develop the planning guide for inclusion of social welfare activities in the CCHP guideline and Council PlanRep

CHSSP is a five-year USAID/PEPFAR funded project led by JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. (JSI) and implemented in partnership with Initiatives Inc. and World Education Inc./Bantwana. CHSSP seeks to improve the health, well-being, and protection outcomes for HIV affected and other most vulnerable populations through strengthened linkages between the health and social welfare sectors.
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The establishment of the Health, Social Welfare and Nutrition Services Division within PORALG and a dedicated Cost center for social welfare services in the LGAs Charter of Account shows commitment of the Government of ensuring effective implementation of policies and guidelines relating to health, social welfare and nutrition services in the country.   

For some years, Health Services have been organized, supervised, monitored and evaluated by the Council Health Management Teams.
In this accord capacity and capabilities of CHMTs focused on Curative and preventive services whereby related activities were well stipulated in the CCHP planning guideline but very little attention was given to Social Welfare despite the fact that policies regarding Social Welfare are in place. This has resulted in lack of efficiency and effectiveness in delivery of optimum Social Welfare services within the region and Local Governments at large

Rationale for the Guide 
The rationale for this guide is to align with the Social Welfare Policy: While there has been some activities in the current CCHPs, there is a big disparity among councils on modality of inclusion of the required activities into the plans. This is due to the absence of customized comprehensive model to guide the content of planning and implementing process from the Village/Mtaa, Ward up to Council level. 

The guide will support them to a great extent focus on important issues uniformly due to the fact that the guide will provide clear guidance on planning and implementation/operationalization of activities for social welfare services in the community, social welfare institutions at Council level and health facilities.

The Guide also aims to provide guidance on priorities and the way resources/budget will be allocated for Social Welfare services at Village/ Mtaa , Ward and Council level based on agreed criterions including newly introduced ones of Case burden in the PLANREP and 2% for the People with Disability from Council Own Source of 10% of Women and Youth Fund ( Finance Act of 2018) to increase community participation, and ownership of integrated Social welfare services in the community based intervention, to strengthen Council and Implementing partners (IPs) accountability and monitoring of provision of Social welfare services at the community include the applicability of vision for Direct Social Welfare Services Financing at Vilage Level

Overall Objective 
To develop Council Comprehensive Social Welfare Operational Plan Guide which will facilitate operationalization of policies and implementation of Social Welfare activities meant to improve social welfare services in the community, social welfare institutions at council and health facilities 

Specific objectives 
(i) To determine the degree to which structures of governance, staff capacity to plan and manage resources for social welfare services. 
(ii) Design and support operationalization of SW Planning guide to be used by CMT, CHMT, Ward Supervisors (ASWO/AO and other extension officers ) and Villages/Mtaa (SWA) to capture the required data on Social Welfare related information; in the Service Delivery System
(iii) Build capabilities of the PO RALG, CHMT/HMTs, Ward Supervisors (ASWO/AO and other extension officers ) and Village/Mtaa in using the collected data and analyzing data for inclusion in the Social Welfare plan guide as part of CCHP at large (subject to negotiation and availability of seed money for pilot intervention)

Scope of Work
The general scope of this assignment shall be of developing SW Planning guide to be used by CHMT countrywide to generate timely information at health facility, LGA, RS and PO-RALG levels and other key stakeholders. Thus the SW Planning Guide:

(i) Shall Cover all Communities, Social Welfare Institution and health facilities in Tanzania mainland; and 
(ii) Shall enable planners to capture data on health, nutrition and social welfare 
(iii) Shall develop tools for assessment and reporting (quarterly and annual) template this will include tables for social welfare data in relation to case burden concept
(iv) That the developed CCSWOP shall be part of CCHP guideline and Plan Rep and it will comply to CCHP protocols that planning and reporting not as separate document 
(v) Developed CCSWOP shall be pretested at a selected one council covering one selected level that is CMT, CHMT, Ward, Village social welfare institution if available and health facility