COSTECH: Call on Opportunities for Support to Innovation Hubs 2018 -TZS 50,000,000 (Fifty Million)

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Source: Costech Tanzania
2018 Call on Opportunities for Support to Innovation Hubs
The Commission for Science & Technology (COSTECH) in collaboration with the Human Development Innovation Fund (HDIF) invites applications from Hubs including Incubators; Innovation Spaces; Accelerators, and the like to participate in a development programme for Hubs in Tanzania. This is to support development of hubs in the country through a competitive call. For more information please check here
To download application form check here
Please send your application through email address: 

1.0 Introduction
The Commission for Science & Technology (COSTECH) in collaboration with the Human Development Innovation Fund (HDIF) invites applications from Hubs including Incubators; Innovation Spaces; Accelerators, and the like to participate in a development programme for Hubs in Tanzania. This is to support development of hubs in the country through a competitive call. The aim of the Call is to strengthen the innovation ecosystem in Tanzania through supporting hubs as centres for nurturing and facilitating the building up of capacity to innovate amongst researchers, private entrepreneurs, innovators and others. 

2.0 Purpose
The purpose of this Hubs Support Fund is to provide financial support to enable Hubs bridge some financial gaps in running programmes to support innovations and entrepreneurship, which could contribute to the social-economic development of Tanzania. The fund is a limited resource made available for an agreed set of focused activities with clear deliverables. 

3.0 The Context
The Hubs Support Fund Programme will support hubs to strengthen their sustainability through a programme of facilitator-led and peer-to-peer learning and networking for hub managers or founders involved in day-to-day leadership or
management of the hubs. The programme will also support participating hubs to develop their business support, capacity building and advisory services to innovators
and entrepreneurs. The expected outcome for the programme is a more vibrant network  of stronger hubs across Tanzania that stimulates increased capacity in innovation ecosystems in the hubs’ locations. 

4.0 Commencement Date 31st August, 2018


5.0 Closing Date 30th September, 2018 @ 15:00hrs

6.0 Who can Apply
The fund will be provided to support hubs from any of the below categories namely:
  • Incubators, 
  • Innovation Spaces
  • Accelerators
  • Living Labs- Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs)
  • Co-working spaces
  • Fab labs, makerspaces
  • Hackerspaces, and
  • Other innovation centers.
7.0 What will be funded?
  • Targeted at students or other individuals who are interested in entrepreneurship and innovation, but need support to achieve necessary skills, networks or business idea to get started. 
  • Targeted at grassroots communities and innovators who are interested in new ways of self-employment and entrepreneurship but need support in understanding the fundamentals of problem solving, innovation and entrepreneurship to get started and to be successful. 
  • Events – targeted at any of the above target groups. These events may include business plan or business idea competitions, pitching competitions, hackathons, networking and matchmaking events or other events aiming to create interest and awareness towards innovation and entrepreneurship, to educate and inspire or to support linking entrepreneurs, funders, support organizations to each other.

    8.0 Assessment Criteria
    The relevance of the proposal to call objectives needs to be conclusively established. The proposal relevant to call objectives will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
    8.1 Role of the hub
    • What are the main activities of your organization?
    • What are your main current activities or initiatives?  
    • Can you quantify some of these elements?
    8.2 Viability
    • Needs assessment and demand for proposed work
    • Affordability of the solution be to the targeted end user group
    • Sustainability of the project beyond the funding period
    • Practicability and how realistic is the innovation.
    8.3 Impact
    • Scientific appropriateness of deliverable of proposed approaches and technical merit
    • The societal impacts aimed to achieve through the project.
    • iii. Economic Impact aimed to be achieved through the project
    • Other impacts including start-up ventures, jobs, new products and services, future investment (public and commercial), talent development, regional talent retention, informal education and engagement, training, urban regeneration, research and development, new networks, innovative models of organization, quality of life enhancements and resilience.
    • How the project will minimize negative impacts
    8.4 Management and operations
    The management and operation of a hub is primarily about the careful selection and compatibility of tenants and the interaction between the actors and activities based on a clear understanding of the values of the hub. Effectiveness and commitment of the management team to the success of the hubs as well as availability of the team during the implementation period. 

    8.5 Successfulness
    Successful hubs are embedded in local and economic ecosystems and are sustained by the respect of participants and audiences. The hub should indicate its acceptance to the society surrounding it. 


    8.6 Sustainability
    Hubs need to indicate the potential for its sustainability particularly in establishing programmes that could guarantee sustainability. 

    9.0 Grant period:
    Up to 12 months (2018-2019)

    10.0 Grant amount per project: Maximum of TZS 50,000,000 (Fifty Million). About 15 successful hubs will be supported.

    11.0 Application process
    11.1 It is important that ALL applications are submitted through the COSTECH email address provided by COSTECH.
    Completed application packs must be submitted to COSTECH through this E-mail: hubsupport2018call
    NOTE: This is meant for submission of applications ONLY.

    11.2 Application forms can also be downloaded in the COSTECH website:
    11.3 Application packs must include: Fully executed copies of completed application forms. Incomplete application forms will not be assessed.
    All fields in the Application Form should be completed. Application packs received after the due date will not be considered.
    11.4 The budget should not exceed the amount stipulated in the investment parameters set out in paragraph 10.0 above.
    11.5 Applicants should submit a reference letter from the host institution with legal entity. For successful applicants, all project funds will be disbursed through host institution bank account. 

    12.0 Gender Consideration:
    This is among the affairs for consideration during team composition and implementation of the project. The proposal must show how it will have an impact in both men and women, as well as indicate the strategic action for inclusiveness of the less represented gender. 

    13.0 Language:
    Applications may be submitted in English Language. 

    14.0 Further Inquiries:
    To get application forms and further enquiries please use the below link: