Sponsorship Opportunities For Undergraduates Studies by Kilombero Sugar Company Limited | Deadline: 10th November, 2018
group is Africa’s biggest sugar producer and has extensive agricultural
and manufacturing operations in six African countries. The group
produces raw and refined sugar for local, regional African, European
Union (EU), United States of America (USA) and world markets from sugar
cane supplied by its own agricultural operations and independent
outgrowers who supply cane to Illovo’s factories. High-value products
manufactured downstream of the sugar production process are sold
internationally into niche markets. Installed electricity generating
capacity, fuelled by renewable resources, annually provides around 90%
of the group’s energy requirements.NAFASI ZA UDHAMINI WA MASOMO 2018 (SCHOLARSHIPS)
Kilombero Sugar Company Limited, The largest producer of Sugar in Tanzania operating Cohesively with extra neutral Alcohol Distillery (IDTL) is intending to sponsor Students with best results in Advanced Level studies or Diploma For Science students.The company aim to sponsor Undergraduates studies for the purpose of preparing candidates to work with KSCL in the future after successfully completion of their studies.
To read full Sponsorship Details and Mode of Application please download PDF File through the link below: