- Do you have a college degree?
- Do you have a college education?
- Do you have an advanced degree?
- Did you drop out of collge? If so, why? What did you do during the time you were not in shcool?
- How long have you been in school?
- Tell me about your educational background.
- Are you going to go back to school?
- Are you going to take evening classes?
- Are you interested in continuing your education?
- Are you planning to continue your education?
- Are you planning to go to graduate school?
- Do you have any plans to continue your education?
- Do you have plans for additional education?
- Do you have plans for continued study and/or an advanced degree?
- Do you have plans for continued study?
- Do you have plans for graduate work?
- Are you willing to relocate or travel?
- Do you plan to return to school to pursue additional education?
- Do you feel your choice of major was the right one?
- Can you take classes in (_____) to improve your skills at work?
- Now that you've had some real-world experience, would you change anything about your education?
- What are your plans for furthering your education?
- Why didn't you continue your education?
- Would you consider obtaining a higher educational degree for job advancement?
- Are you in school now?
- Did you take any classes recently?
- Have you ever taken any classes recently?
- How are you improving yourself?
- What classes have you taken recently?
- What classes have you taken recently to stay on the top of your field?
- What educational goals do you currently have?
- What seminars have you taken recently to stay on the top of your field?
- What specifically have you been doing since you entered this field?
- Why did you choose to be a business major?
- Do you think you have received good general training?
- Are you planning to change majors?
- Did you change your major in college?
- Have you ever taken any training for work?
- Have you had courses in (____)?
- How did college prepare you for this position?
- How did you choose your field of study?
- How did you choose your course of study?
- How does your degree prepare you for this position?
- How does your education prepare you for your chosen field of work?
- How has your education prepared you for a career?
- How has your education prepared you for this career?
- How is college preparing you for your career?
- How will your degree help you to succeed?
- Tell me about your course work.
- What college subjects have you liked best? Why? Least? Why?
- What courses have you taken in school that give you special qualifications for this position.
- What did you learn in college?
- What relevant training have you received?
- What subject did you dislike? Why?
- What subject did you like the most? Why?
- What type of education has best prepared you for this career?
- What was your favorite subject in school?
- What was your least favorite class in school? Why?
- What was your least favorite subject in school?
- What was your most favorite subject in school?
- What were your strongest subjects subjects at school? What were your weakest subjects?
- When did you decide on your major?
- Why are you majoring in ____?
- Why did you choose your field of study?
- Why did you choose your major?
- Did you have a favorite teacher?
- Did you like the courses you took for this field?
- Did your college challenge you?
- Did your college education challenge you?
- Do you like going to school at (____)?
- Is there any class you have completely disliked? Why?
- What classes have you enjoyed the most?
- What courses did you enjoy?
- What courses do you like the best? The least? Why?
- What did you learn about yourself in (_____) class?
- What did you learn from your high school, university education?
- What do you like the most and least at school?
- What was your most favorite subject in school?
- Who is your favorite professor and why?
- Why did you choose your (college/university)?
- Why did you choose your major?
- Why did you decide to get this degree and attend this university?
- Why did you decide to go to grad school?
- Why did you drop out of college?
- Why did you go to the school you attended?
- Do you take advanced classes?
- How can your college education be useful on the job?
- How developed are your skills in this area?
- In which classes did you get the worst grades?
- What correlation do you see between grades in school and success in the workplace?
- What were your biggest problems in college?
- Which classes did you find useful?
- Which classes did you like the least?
- Which courses did you like least?
- Which courses in college did you like best? Why?
- Which courses would you like to take if you go back?
- Which of your school years was (the most) difficult?
- Are your grades an accurate reflection of your academic achievement?
- Are your grades a good indicator of your true ability?
- Are your grades reflective of your work?
- Are your grades reflective of your intelligence?
- Did your rank in school reflect your achievement?
- Do you agree that grade point average is an indication of how successful you would be in this company?
- Do you feel you have done your best work? If so, why? If not, why not?
- Do you feel your grade point average is an accurate indication of your academic achievement?
- Do you grades reflect your scholastic achievement?
- Do you think that your grades are a good indication of your ability in (____)?
- Do you think that your grades are a good indicator of your academic achievements?
- Do you think your grades are a good indication of your intelligence?
- Do you think your grades are an accurate indication of your academic achievement?
- Do you think your education has prepared you for this position?
- Has your education prepared you for this position?
- How did you rank in you graduating class?
- How do you feel about your GPA?
- Should we consider your grades?
- What is the (Grade Point Average) GPA for your major?
- What is your GPA?
- What is your overall GPA?
- What kinds of grades did you get in this area?
- What kinds of educational goals have you set?
- What was your most difficult class?
- What were your grades and class standing?
- Which were your best classes?
- Which were your most useful courses?
- Which were your worst classes?
Extra Curricular
- Are you glad with your selection of schools to complete your studies?
- Are you willing to spend at least six months as a trainee?
- Can you attend training on weekends?
- Did your college education change you?
- How did you pay for your college education?
- How did your college education change you?
- How do you feel about spending time on weekends at work?
- How do you find time to study?
- How have you changed since you started college?
- How have you financed your college education?
- How much influence did your family have on your college choice?
- How were your college expenses financed?
- In what school activities have you participated?
- Is there anything you have been involved in at college that you are really proud of?
- Was this school your first choice?
- What are a few of your most memorable experiences from college?
- What did you do during your summers between semesters?
- What else did you do while you were in college?
- What other areas of preparation do you have for this position?
- What percentage of you college expenses did you earn?
- What were your responsibilities in your university activities?
- What would you do differently if you were to start college over again?
- When did you decide to go to grad school?
- Who paid for your education?