Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Application Deadline:
Job Description
This is a position reporting to Finance Manager. The position calls for broad knowledge of Accounts and Finance as whole. The Asst. Accountant will be responsible for
- Maintaining Petty cash float – Payment & Analysis
- Maintaining EFD Receipts issued and reconcile with Z report
- Preparing cash collection summary and bank slips for checking
- Receiving all payments and issue receipts
- Issuing receipts for all confirmed bank/Selcom receipts
- Following up, maintain and bank all postdated cheques
- Reconciliation of selcom account & Clearance of outstanding
- Reconciliation of smart policy account VS Receipts and follow up
- Proper filing of transaction supporting documents
- Report daily cash position statement for all bank accounts after all receipts and payments
- Obtain details from brokers/agents on all premium receipt remaining uncollected
- Check daily cash summary to ensure that all receipt have been booked and banked properly and clear all unallocated receipts and JVs.
- Liaise with underwriting department for any anomalies in brokers/agents insurance accounts
- Any other duties as may be assigned by the Branch Manager.
The deadline for receipt of all applications is 28th March 2019.
The Chief Executive Officer
Reliance Insurance Company (T) Limited,
3rd & 4th Floor, Reliance House, Plot no 356, United Nations Road Upanga
P. O. Box 9826,
Dar es Salaam – Tanzania.
Tel: 2120088 – 90 / Fax: 2112903
Email: hr@reliance.co.tz