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in Tanzania 2019: New Job Opportunity at UNICEF Tanzania - Dar es salaam, Consultant | Deadline: 11th April, 2019
Job no: 521161
Position type: Consultancy
Location: Tanzania,Uni.Re
Division/Equivalent: Nairobi Regn’l(ESARO)
Department/Office: Dar Es Salaam, United Rep. of Tanzania
Categories: WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene), Consultancy
Expression of interest
Consultant or Individual Contractor
Title: Expression of interest for a consultancy to study the market place for rural sanitation hardware in Tanzania and to advise on steps to increase the private sector participation in the rural sanitation hardware market
Purpose: The objective of this ToR is to solicit expression of interest from potential candidates to study the rural sanitation hardware market and to make recommendations on steps that can be taken by government to increase the private sector participation in the rural sanitation hardware business to ensure that there is a functioning supply chain in place in support of the National Sanitation Campaign.
Location: The assignment will be undertaken in Tanzania and places to visit for field research will be determined by the consultant in agreement with UNICEF. UNICEF has a specific interest in the market for rural sanitation hardware in the southern highlands and in Zanzibar.
Duration: 4 months
Start Date: 15 May 2019
Reporting to: Yo Miura, WASH Officer, Dar es Salaam, in consultation with Frank Odhiambo, WASH Chief
The Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly, and Children (MoHCDGEC) is implementing the National Sanitation Campaign (NSC) and promoting the use of improved latrines from 2011. The campaign uses a mixture of approaches such as Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) and behaviour change communication. These activities have been conducted to increase the awareness and demand for sanitation. However, the generation of demand must be coupled with increased supply to meet the newly created demand. Villagers living in rural areas often face some challenges due to the limited availability of desirable sanitation hardware (especially the toilet pan) at a price point that is affordable.
Anecdotal evidence suggests that there is limited supply of sanitation hardware in rural Tanzania; most households seeking to improve their toilets need to travel to larger towns to source the various components required to construct an improved toilet. This adds to the costs of constructing an improved toilet.
The market place for rural sanitation hardware is also little understood by the government and development partners working in the field of water, sanitation, and hygiene, (WASH). It is possible that the private sector is fully aware of the opportunities to engage in the rural sanitation hardware market especially given the ongoing National Sanitation Campaign. But it is also possible that there are opportunities for better and closer engagement with the private sector in the rural sanitation hardware market.
Given this background, there is need to gain a better understanding of the market for sanitation hardware in rural Tanzania. UNICEF is therefore seeking proposals for a consultancy to undertake a market study of sanitation hardware in rural Tanzania.
Objectives of the Consultancy
The overall purpose of this consultancy is to make recommendations on steps that can be taken by government to increase the participation of the private sector in the rural sanitation hardware business to ensure that there is a functioning supply chain in place in support of the National Sanitation Campaign.
The consultant is expected to study the rural sanitation hardware market to achieve the following:
• Assess the market potential for rural sanitation hardware in Tanzania. This relates to both size of the market and potential for new entrants into the market including identifying barriers to entry and recommendations to eliminate those barriers
• Analyse the current and potential supply chain for sanitation hardware, especially plastic and ceramic toilet pans. This should also include a bottleneck analysis of the efficiency and effectiveness of the supply chain in reaching rural households
• Prepare a report that outlines the status quo in the rural sanitation hardware market, potential areas for new entrants, (both in terms of existing hardware and new hardware products), and recommendations for improving the market for rural sanitation hardware including the supply chain
Specific Tasks
The consultant will work closely with the relevant UNICEF programme officer throughout the duration of the assignment. It is envisaged that the consultancy will be informed by both desk and field research. A pre-bid meeting will be arranged in UNICEF to provide further information about the scope of work. Following the pre-bid meeting, a scope of work will be shared with shortlisted bidders to enable them to prepare their proposal outlining in detail the methodology to be adopted. The shortlisted bidders should also prepare a separate financial bid.
Below are indicative tasks to be achieved by the consultant:
- Assess the market potential for rural sanitation hardware in Tanzania. This relates to both size of the market and potential for new entrants into the market including identifying barriers to entry and recommendations to eliminate those barriers
- Analyse the current and potential supply chain for sanitation hardware, especially plastic and ceramic toilet pans. This should also include a bottleneck analysis of the efficiency and effectiveness of the supply chain in reaching rural households
- Prepare a report that outlines the status quo in the rural sanitation hardware market, potential areas for new entrants, (both in terms of existing hardware and new hardware products), and recommendations for improving the market for rural sanitation hardware including the supply chain.
- Identify key market players and stakeholders in rural sanitation hardware and invite them to a consultation workshop with the MoHCDGEC to be facilitated by the consultant
- Refine the report based on comments and insights received during the consultation and submit to UNICEF
Travel to the field will be required to be determined by the consultant and described in the methodology and approach section of the proposal
Expected Deliverables
The following will be the deliverables for this assignment.
- An inception report within two weeks of contract signing outlining the consultant’s proposed approach and work plan
- Draft report on market potential and supply chain
- Final report on market potential and supply chain
- Draft report on the status of the rural sanitation hardware market
- Conduct a consultation workshop between government and private sector players
- Final report on the status of the rural sanitation hardware
As this is expression of interest, the payment schedule will be discussed with the successful candidate, after full proposals are developed and evaluated.
Expected background and Experience
• The following are the professional qualifications required to undertake this consultancy:
• An advanced degree in a discipline related to Marketing, Sales, or Business Management
• A working knowledge of WASH would be a significant advantage
• Knowledge of Kiswahili would be an advantage
• At least 8 years’ experience in the business sector
• Experience of working with government including in facilitating workshops to reach consensus
• An ability to produce engaging, well composed reports
General Conditions: Procedures and Logistics
A pre-bid meeting will be arranged in UNICEF to provide further information about the scope of work to those who expressed interest. Following the pre-bid meeting, a scope of work will be shared with shortlisted bidders to enable them to prepare their proposal outlining in detail the methodology to be adopted
Opening Date Thu Apr 04 2019 09:00:00 GMT+0300 (East Africa Time) E. Africa Standard Time
Closing Date Thu Apr 11 2019 23:55:00 GMT+0300 (East Africa Time)