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for Africans 2019 | Japan Internship Program for graduates
Paid Internships and Fully Funded - By Government of Japan
Application Deadline: June 14th 2019
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) Government of
Japan Internship Program: As Japanese companies take on young foreign
talent from abroad for internships, Japan achieves greater
internationalization for its people and organizations through knowledge
building aimed at new developments and expansion of overseas business
for Japanese companies, and by changing awareness through working with
foreigners and experiencing cross-cultural communication,
as well as constructing networks and developing in-house systems in
conjunction with overseas universities aimed at securing foreign talent.
This program aims for people from developing countries to get a great
opportunity to learn overseas business strategies in Japanese
businesses and to acquire the skills and expertise from Japanese
companies. You would be trained as a global leader capable of working in
Japan, in your home country and all over the world in the future.
Highly-skilled foreign professionals who are currently living other than Japan ( TANZANIANS GRADUATES) and will visit to Japan only for this program (OECD/DAC-listed countries except China)
*FY2016 to 2018 participants in this program are not eligible to apply
Interns Description
Private-sector companies, industry associations, and non-profit
corporations in Japan. Host companies are determined after matching by
the Program Office and subsequent approval by the Screening Committee.
Internship period (To be arranged)
A: Entering Japan on Sun, September 1 & departing on Tue,
November 12 B: Entering Japan on Mon, September 9 & departing on
Tue, November 19
C: Entering Japan on Tue, September 17 & departing on Tue, November
26 D: Entering Japan on Mon, September 30 & departing on Tue,
December 10 E: Entering Japan on Mon, October 7 & departing on Tue, December 17 *Intern should follow the schedule appointed by the Program office.
- 1 Allowance: 4,000 yen per day for living expenses. This amount will be paid for the entire duration of the internship
- 2 Round-trip economy class air ticket, travel insurance.
- 3 Internship insurance
- 4 Transportation and accommodation expenses associated with training program.
Intern Responsibilities
- □Formulating an internship plan (roles/goals, etc. of an intern) discussing with the Internship manager
- □Participating in pre-training, follow-up training, and wrap-up presentation.
- □Engaging in full-time internship during the designated period.
- □Taking responsibility for their own safety and health as thoroughly as possible. Securing emergency related information network in Japan. Keeping in touch with the Program Office and the host company regularly as reporting or consulting with them in case of injury or mental disease etc.
- □Being obliged to handle some tasks requested from the program office (document, notification, and report) not only during internship period but also before and after the internship.
- □Appropriate behavior represented as a recipient of public funds from Japanese government.
Application Requirements:
Person who satisfy all the following requirements are eligible to apply.
- □Agreeing with the purpose of this program with willingness to cooperate with Japanese businesses for promoting internationalization and overseas business development, and building networks with overseas universities etc.
- □Holding citizenship of an eligible country or region.
- □Proficiency in Japanese language (JLPT level N3 or higher) or proficiency in English.
- □Applicants should be at least 20 years of age and not older than 40 as of June 14, 2019.
- □Applicants must be able to submit a school or university enrolment or graduation certificate and a letter of recommendation from the (enrolled/graduated) university or company etc.
- □Able to undertake required training and full-time internship at the host company.
- □Satisfying with any other individual conditions required by each company.
- □Person who previously participated in this program can not apply this year.
For More Information:
CLICK HERE AND APPLY ONLINE: Visit the Official Webpage of the METI Government of Japan Internship Program 2019.