New Job at World Vision Tanzania, Evidence and Learning Manager | Deadline: 06th June, 2019

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Jobs in Tanzania 2019: Evidence and Learning Manager  New Job at World Vision Tanzania | Deadline: 06th June, 2019
Position: Evidence and Learning Manager
Job ID: 13638-17G19060
Location: Tanzania Arusha
Knowledge Management
Type: Fixed term, Full-time
Deadline: 06-Jun-19
International Role – No – Only National applicants will be considered.

Purpose of the position:
To provide leadership and coordination in Design, Monitoring, and Evaluation of World Vision Tanzania projects and programs to ensure realization of Our Promise 2030.
Observe mission and core values of World Vision and demonstrate a quality of spiritual life that is an example to others.

Major Responsibilities:
• Provide proactive and clear functional leadership of the DME direct reports and those in specific projects and programs.
• Build DME capacity of World Vision Tanzania office.
• Develop full, effective cross-functional working relationships for DM&E and other functions/sectors.
• Participate effectively with DM&E networks, practitioners and learning/research institutions to access, research, evaluate and promote the best available external practices and resources in DM&E.
• Ensure programs are monitored, reported and evaluated in a timely manner as per LEAP requirements.

• Coordinate all assessments and designs of new programs and projects work.
• Liase with Operations Director to determine closure of APs and replacement where possible.
• Update vulnerability mapping which will guide location of future programs and targeting.
Read Also:

• Review, develop, disseminate project and program monitoring tools to all key stakeholders in National Office
• Ensure all projects and programs have monitoring framework and completed ITTs.
• Coordinate the implementation of the Outcome monitoring.
• Develop and disseminate key messages coming from the monitoring data.
• Ensure that all programs and projects conduct effective learning events.

• Ensure all programs are evaluated according to schedule
• Ensure every evaluation is discussed at SLT level
• Develop, capture, and produce evaluation synthesis of all evaluations conducted in a year and share with SLT.

Support strategy tracking processes
• Track the strategy using the national level M&E system that provides information on progress being made on each of the indicators as per Strategy including Our Promise 2030.
• Information arising from monitoring, used in the performance section in the WVT strategy.
• Engagement of specialists in the national office, EAR and support office and ensure all indicators in the strategy are benchmarked
• Ensure presence of tools for tracking AP progress including development of database

Coordinate Tanzania PST
• Work with Quality Assurance Director and Operations director to ensure key meetings (virtual and F2F) with support offices are held and key actions that require SLT actions are escalated.
• Ensure PST add value to WV Tanzania programming through continuous engagement in key processes e.g. reporting, monitoring, evaluation and reflection
• Ensure there is continuous dialogue with SOs PST engagement through discussions with SOs via mail on key strategic priorities e.g. alignment of programs to the strategy through the already agreed technical programs, clarification and explanation of national TPs and implications to programming and seeking for their agreement before the next steps
• Ensure discussion on approval of key processes and products is done e.g. annual plans and other M&E products

Guide leadership in assessing program performance
• Raise awareness and understanding among SLT/TMT and Cluster reflection forums on the role of GNOD and Program Quality Self Reflections in assessing national level capability in delivering program quality
• Track and validate the achievement of Program Quality Standards in WV Tanzania, to ensure good accountability and appropriate support where needed
• Based on PCPR ratings identify needs and opportunities to strengthen National Office capacity and guide leadership on addressing performance concerns.
• Collect information on the GNOD performance assessment for WVU.
• Coordinate GNOD peer review with SOs and EARO on each of the indicators and provide information and justification among the reviewers on each of the scores
• Conduct and analyse performance on key processes in sponsorship, finance, program quality and other OE indicators and advise SLT on key actions required to turn around performance

Support roll out of program effectiveness GC initiatives
• Ensure increased understanding of LEAP 3 across all programs including national based grants
• Provided clarity and awareness to staff in the APs, clusters, national offices and support offices on LEAP 3 uptake and its implication on the current strategy.
• Guide all programs in development of annual plans, multiyear logframes and budgets in light of the standard technical programs.
• Generate learning emerging from LEAP 3 adoption for engagement at different fora in the national office, regional office, support office and global center
• Analyse data coming from different programs on strategy indicators for writing CWB report and work with specialists and managers in the development of CWB report.

Promote Organizational evidence documentation and organizational learning:
• Assure and support NO capacity to report on their contribution to Child Well Being with adequate rigour and standards of quality, and to ensure appropriate management response to recommendations for further enhancing that contribution
• Provide leadership, catalyze and disseminate learning on best practices for program quality, participating in conducting research, sharing and replicating promising practices aimed at ministry improvement
• Document the major key lessons and findings from project evaluations and operations audit and disseminate for organizational learning and decision making.
• Gather relevant information regarding best practices to program design, monitoring and evaluation from within and outside the WVI partnership and shares it with field staff to facilitate organizational learning and experience sharing.

Qualifications: Education/Knowledge/Technical Skills and Experience
• Advanced degree (e.g. Master’s degree in social science, development studies or other professional degree) or other relevant degree or experience.
• Minimum 5 years of experience in Design, Monitoring and Evaluation of a relief and development work.
• Experience in the development of Design Monitoring and Evaluation (DME) related technical resources
• Understand Programme and Research Design and Implementation.
• Competent in the use of MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint
• Knowledge of various technical sectors of development such as food security, primary health care, micro enterprises development, etc.
• Knowledge of statistical packages for analyzing socio-economic data like SPSS, LEAP Tools, general DM&E framework.
• Demonstrated ability in monitoring and supervision
• Experience in working with donor funds
• Working knowledge of proposal writing and negotiation skills
• Good communication skills and people relational skills.
• Good planning and organizational skills
• Ability to maintain effective working relationships with all levels of staff and donors
Other Competencies/Attributes:
• Must be a committed Christian, able to stand above denominational diversities and mentor others.
• Perform other duties as required

Working Environment / Conditions:

• Work environment: Office-based with frequent travels to the field
• Travel: 30% Domestic/international travel is required.
• On call: 10%