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Top Ten Methods To Pass Exams | Must Read
student who wants to get a high score in his or her test or exams must
be a self-prepared person using the following ten tips to assure the
ability to succeed and avoid the concept of survival based on luck.
As I said above, the first thing is to focus on time, not to get out of
it and run with them and deny yourself to sleep when the test schedule
was known and the participant was able to prepare the process towards
the day of his disapproval.
SECONDS: Take care of yourself by searching and making exams, while copying questions that the authors have been repeating each year.
This method will allow you to prepare for the purpose and real needs of the questions that often arise in the exams.
Make sure you get the exams at least one or more of the previous exams
and do it to make sure there is no single question that overcomes you.
the fact that the speculation of objects is not the most accurate way,
but it has been found to help those who have their guessing and
attention, so the student should have a tendency to guess the questions
that he thinks his teacher can release from his notebook and prepare.Source: AjiraLeo Tanzania
discovery, you must deal with what I said earlier, that is to have a
record of previous exams. They say they will say that the world has a
tendency to repeat the events, so even in questions there is a recurring
List all areas that you do not understand in the previous test and
practice by getting advice from your teachers. If there are topics that
you do not understand in your notebook, make sure the time you set will
be enough to understand.
Make sure you practice practicing regular exams, which you will do with
all the time and conditions that are provided on the day of the actual
test. It is not appropriate for the student to run the experiments
offered in the classroom by his teacher, as this will enable him to know
if he has been completed by a test or there is still a problem.
FIVE: Make
sure your memory on the head increases as you learn, not forgetting the
memory you have learned and possibly the area that you seem to forget
to pay attention to the reminder, it is necessary every day.
Look carefully at your test exams, if you get a low score to find out
where there is a need for extra energy, consult your teacher all the
places you are missing or stressful before the test day.
In order for the student to be sure to do his test, he should consider
all the extracts provided on the headline, which are in this book.
Sometimes it is good to listen to the body, not to force it to read
even if you see there are weaknesses, some pupils spend two weeks
reading, the results of the body and mind are tired and failing to
receive the lessons properly. Rest time is needed.
NINE: Before the pupil does not enter the test room he should be confident to overcome fear. This area is very important because there are students who do not miss because they are not prepared, but they are afraid of a few moments before they start the test. So it is important that the student is prepared psychologically with teachers as well as his parents how he can do the test without fear.
TEN: Faith is the conclusion of the student's success, it is not appropriate to enter the test room with negative thoughts. What is required is the victory of victory or in other languages it is a positive idea. “I MUST HAVE THIS HOPE” This belief can be built by someone through self-confidence or belief in the power of his religious faith.