Gender Specialist New Job at Traidcraft Exchange TX and SHIVYAWATA | Deadline: 28th June, 2019

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Job in Tanzania 2019: New Job at Traidcraft Exchange TX and SHIVYAWATA, Gender Specialist | Deadline: 28th June, 2019
Title: Gender Specialist
Duration: Consultancy short term contract
Assignment location: Tanzania
Terms of Reference for Gender Analysis Along Cocoa, Coffee and Palm Oil Value Chains and Training of Project Staff on Gender Mainstreaming.  

Traidcraft Exchange TX, in partnership with Tanzania Federation of Disabled People’s Organizations (SHIVYAWATA), is implementing a four (4) year project titled ‘Promoting the Inclusion of People with Disabilities in Cocoa, Coffee and Palm Oil Value Chains (CCP) with funding from National Lottery Community Fund (former Big Lottery Foundation).
The project interventions aim at reducing household poverty and empower 1000 people with disabilities and 500 smallholder farmers and/or micro entrepreneurs, engaged in the coffee, cocoa and palm oil sectors in Morogoro, Mbeya, Songwe and parts of Dar es Salaam. The target Councils for Dar es salaam are Ilala, Kinondoni and Temeke while in Morogoro, we target Kilombero district. Target councils for Mbeya and Songwe regions are Kyela, Mbozi and Rungwe. The project envisages a 20% increase in annual income of the target beneficiaries through their involvement in the business opportunities available in the Coffee, Cocoa and Palm Oil Value Chains. 

The Organizations
Traidcraft Exchange is the UK’s only development charity specializing in making trade work for the poor by working to enable poor producers in Africa and Asia to grow their businesses, find markets, and engage effectively in trade. Traidcraft’s mission is to fight poverty through trade, practicing and promoting approaches to trade that help poor people in developing countries transform their lives. Established in 1979 as a Christian response to poverty, we combine a trading company and a development charity – Traidcraft Exchange. We build lasting relationships with producers, support people to trade out of poverty and work to bring about trade justice.
The “Tanzania Federation of Disabled People’s Organizations (SHIVYAWATA)” is a non -governmental federation which was established in 1992 and brings together ten national Disabled People’s Organizations. The Federation is a mouthpiece for matters pertaining to Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) The essence was to afford a larger, louder and common voice on issues of lobbying and advocacy.

The Project
Currently Traidcraft and SHIVYAWATA are implementing a four-year project namely; Promoting the Inclusion of People with Disabilities in Coffee, Cocoa and Palm Oil Value chains. The project interventions aim at reducing household poverty and empower 1000 people with disabilities and 500 smallholder farmers and/or micro entrepreneurs, engaged in the coffee, cocoa and palm oil sectors in Morogoro, Mbeya, Mbozi and parts of Dar es Salaam The target districts in the four regions of implementation are: Mbeya; Rungwe and Kyela Districts; Songwe; Mbozi District and Morogoro; Kilombero District and parts of Dar es Salaam. The project has been developed through close partnership and collaboration with SHIYAWATA in Tanzania and was informed by findings of a scoping study that was conducted in 2017 with financing from Traidcraft Exchange and a market assessment and baseline that was financed by National Lottery Community Fund.

The project is expected to deliver the following:
• Impact: Reduced poverty and improved wellbeing for 1000 People with Disabilities(PWDs) and 500 smallholder farmers and/or micro entrepreneurs, engaged in the Coffee, Cocoa and Palm Oil Sectors in Morogoro, Mbeya and Dar es Salaam Regions of Tanzania.
• Outcome 1: People with disabilities are better organized into inclusive economic groups and work collectively and with other target beneficiaries to access livelihood opportunities in the target value chains (coffee/cocoa/palm oil)
• Outcome 2: Enhanced access to financial and business development services for People with disabilities and target households.
• Outcome 3: Improved access to reliable and profitable markets for target value chains (coffee, cocoa and palm oil)
• Outcome 4: Positive improvement in community knowledge, attitude, behavior and practices towards participation by People with Disabilities in the target value chains (coffee, cocoa and palm oil)
Read Also:

In recognition that PWDs need specific support, the project seeks to economically empower PWDs through enabling the individual to develop the ‘power within’ through more intensive 1:1 mentoring, confidence building and skills development; ‘power with’, through strengthening farmer and marketing organizations and collective approaches to economic empowerment which include PWDs and increasing awareness of the abilities of PWDs within the community; ‘power to’ through engaging on issues which reinforce unequal access to resources, such as access to finance and services for PWDs; and ’power over’ through engagement on critical areas of policy reform in engagement of PWDs in agribusiness. 

Purpose of The Consultancy Assignment
The purpose of this consultancy assignment is to:
• To conduct a detailed gender analysis of Cocoa, Coffee and Palm oil value chains to further identify barriers and solutions to engaging women specifically women with disabilities in active decision making at all levels of the target value chains.
• To train in a participatory way and support project staff (5), 2 SHIVYAWATA officials and 10 Trainers of Trainers (ToTs) from four district i.e. Kilombero, Kyela, Rungwe and Mbozi on gender mainstreaming – gender sensitization and practices to help achieving the objectives of the project. 

Expected deliverables
• Analysis report
• Inception report
• Three-day training workshop for project staff and ToTs
• Tools for assessing/measuring progress on gender sensitization and women’s economic empowerment.
• Post training evaluation report
• Training manuals.

Project documentation
Traidcraft/SHIVYAWATA will make available a range of relevant project documents that the consultant should refer to, primarily the approved project proposal document, the baseline survey report and progress reports. 

This assignment is expected to last not more than 18 days and shall commence on or about 15thJuly 2019 and shall be completed on or before August 30th, 2019. It is however appreciated that the actual consultancy period will be determined by such developments as responsiveness of stakeholders’ and this will be communicated as the case may be.

Required skills and experience
To carry out the above detailed task Traidcraft is looking for an evaluator with the following skills:
• A relevant advanced degree in social science especially gender studies or relevant discipline.
• Extensive experience in applied research
• An influential communicator, with excellent written and verbal skills in both Kiswahili and English
• Over 5 years’ experience on gender mainstreaming and women’s empowerment
• Practical experience of participatory training  

Proposal assessment criteria
Traidcraft will look into the following areas in assessing the quality of the proposal submitted by the bidding consultants.
• Qualification, skills and experience of the consultant.
• Practical and demonstrable experience on gender mainstreaming
• Clarity of understanding of the task at hand as described in consultants’ own words.
• Quality and relevance of methodology proposed including adequacy of tools and approaches to be used in the gender analysis and training.
• Value for money including comparison of proposed costs and methodology.
• Knowledge of the sector and or the type of task required.
• Availability to commence the task quickly. 

Submission guidelines
Interested parties should submit their technical proposal by 5.00 pm Friday, 28th June 2019
Proposals from interested consultant should include the following details:
• Profile of the consultant who will undertake the tasks
• Understanding of the tasks.
• The approach/methodology to be used to undertake the study and the training
• Detailed activity timeline for undertaking the assignment
• Daily fee rates and projected expenses
• A list of previously conducted training and a sample training report

Submission of proposal
Questions or proposal should be addressed to Bupe Kyambiki, Enterprise Development Manager; Email: