is conveniently located centrally within Iringa Municipality along
Uhuru Avenue on the Great North Road to Dodoma, at what used to be Dr.
Amon J. Nsekela Bankers’ Academy, in the Wilolesi area. It is at the
centre of Iringa Town and has access to the regional government
administrative offices, main regional business centres, the main bus
terminal and other higher learning institutions, namely Mkwawa
University College of Education (MUCE), University of Iringa, the Open
University of Tanzania and Moshi Cooperatives University(formerly Moshi
University College of Cooperative and Business Studies).
a radius of three kilometres there are Kleruu Teachers Training
College, Iringa Girls’ Secondary School, Lugalo Secondary School,
Highlands Secondary School and Retco Education Centre. Its central
location and proximity to varied higher educational institutions and
picturesque environment makes it an attractive ornament and centre of
meetings in the Municipality and hub of education activities.
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The main entrance to RUCU is next to the National Microfinance Bank (NMB), Mkwawa Branch.
The main entrance to RUCU is next to the National Microfinance Bank (NMB), Mkwawa Branch.