Midwives New Job Opportunities at Cuso International - Tanzania, 2019

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Jobs in Tanzania 2019: New Job Opportunities at Cuso International - Tanzania, Midwives | Deadline: 11th October 2019
Position: Midwives
Location: Dar es Salaam
Job Summary
Cuso International is an international development organization with the mandate of contributing to reduce poverty and social inequalities through the support of highly qualified volunteers, partnerships with Canadian, local and international organizations, as well as assistance from generous donors. Our vision is that of a world where everyone reaches out to their full potential, developing their skills and  participating in bringing about a more just society.
  • Minimum Qualification: Bachelor
  • Experience Level: Management level
  • Experience Length: 5 years

Job Description
Specific objectives of the project include to: 
  • improve the delivery of quality essential health services for women; 
  • improve the use of quality essential health services by women;  strengthen the influence and empowerment of midwives and the recognition of  the profession of midwifery as a key option in improving mother and child health.
The outcomes of the project include: 
• Increased midwifery skills in the provision of timely and quality MNCH care;
• Improved skills of midwives / front-line health workers in referring women with  complications during pregnancy and childbirth to secondary and tertiary services; 
• Greater awareness among men, women and community health workers (CHWs)  of the health needs of women of childbearing age, as well as mothers, pregnant women and newborns; 
• Improvement in the capacity of men and women to participate in quality  assessment of local reproductive, maternal, neonatal and child health services; 
• Increased capacity of midwifery associations to collaborate with the major  stakeholders to upgrade training programs and clinical practice guidelines; 
• Enhanced capacity of midwifery associations to contribute in consolidating the  regulatory and accreditation infrastructure of midwifery; 
• Increased capacity of midwifery associations to play a leadership and advocacy  role in the interest of midwives.
-The above expected results are expected to be achieved through the implementation of  several activities such as in-service training of midwives, training of midwifery 
instructors and health administrators, as well as awareness campaigns targeting  communities living within the project areas, carried out through community health workers. The project also provided technical support to national midwifery associations with respect to training, regulation, accreditation, and organizational development.

Purpose of the evaluation
The overall objective of this evaluation is to assess the impact and level of achievement  of the results agreed upon and listed in the project’s performance measurement 
framework (PMF) at the end of the project, through an analysis which follows a "before-  after" model, which compares data gathered from the baseline study and a mid-term survey with that of the results gathered at the end of the project. It will also involve documenting the major lessons learned and best practices developed during the implementation of the project. 

The evaluation aims at:
  • Evaluating the results, particularly of identified target groups, and  comparing the actual results (including unexpected results) with the results projected at the beginning of the project, using the PMF as the frame of reference.
  • Assessing the relevance, effectiveness and sustainability of project  interventions and implementation strategies 
  • Identifying best practices and lessons learned, which should constitute the  basis for future innovative interventions for the development of new programs. 
  • Assessing the application of knowledge and skills by midwives attended  emergency obstetric and newborn emergencies training and its impact in improving the provision reproductive maternal newborn and child health services 
  • Assessing the strengths, weaknesses and challenges faced in the  implementation of the project.
  • Assessing the sustainability of project interventions and the benefits other  than GAC funding Final evaluation goals Internally, the evaluation will serve both as an account of the results obtained and as a means to document project and organisational learning. For the donor, the evaluation will be a demonstration of how much the intervention has contributed in reducing maternal and neonatal mortality in the project areas. It will equally indicate to the donor whether their funds have been properly utilized and if they would wish to invest in a similar intervention in the future. The evaluation will be conducted in accordance with the criteria of relevance, effectiveness and sustainability. 

Final evaluation criteria 
The final evaluation of the project should address the following key concerns: 
a)The relevance of the project -Analyze the strengths and weaknesses by assessing the extent to which the project objectives met the expectations of target groups and beneficiaries and taking into account the priorities set by the donor and countries concerning maternal and neonatal health, and the priorities indicated in the initial call for proposals. 

b)The effectiveness of the project -Assess the level of achievement of the project objectives as well as its unintended 
effects if any (positive or negative). This will involve comparing between the expected  results and the actual results of the project, and likewise analyzing observed discrepancies. Assess, as well, CAM's approaches to working with midwives. It will also be necessary to evaluate the organization and the internal functioning of the project, especially with regard to relations between Cuso International, TAMA, CAM, as well as the effectiveness of the program’s monitoring and orientation mechanisms (notably the Country Advisory Committee) and the role of the Ministry of Health in decision-making.

c) Sustainability -The mission will assess the possibilities for sustaining the project's achievements in strengthening the influence and empowerment of midwives and the recognition of midwifery as an option of choice for enhancing women and child health. This will be done by evaluating: 
  • the capacity of midwifery associations to work with key stakeholders to upgrade  training programs and clinical practice guidelines.
  • the capacity of midwifery associations to contribute in strengthening regulatory  and accreditation infrastructure for midwifery.
  • the capacity of midwifery associations to play a leadership and advocacy role in  the interest of midwives. 

Evaluation methodology
The methodology of this evaluation should, as much as possible, be participatory,  inclusive, and gender sensitive, in order to collect both qualitative and quantitative data. 
The evaluation plan will be drafted by the consultant and should include a detailed description of the methodology. At a minimum, the consultant should use a combination
of three methods for triangulation of data, as follows:
  • Collection of primary data from beneficiaries, in households and health facilities  (the same method and collection tools that were used during the baseline survey will be used for final data collection; see documents attached to the TOR).
  • Review of secondary data and key documents, including: the proposal submitted  to the donor, project agreements, narrative and financial reports, the performance measurement framework, the baseline report, the mid-term evaluation report, etc. 
  • One-on-one interviews with key informants such as project staff, members of  midwifery associations, local NGOs representatives who collaborated in project  the execution, staff from the Ministry of Health, etc. 

Evaluation Targets 
Targets for this evaluation include:
  • Men and women in communities that have benefited from project interventions;
  • Midwives and Health care providers such as health facility In- Charges, Medical  Officer In charge of Hospitals; 
  • Tanzania Midwives Association members (including leaders);
  • Representatives of Regional Local l Government in Simiyu and Shinyanga0,  Local NGOs –Tanzania Communication and Development Centre (TCDC, as well as the Community Based Organizations at the field level in Shinyanga and Simiyu 
  • Staff of the Ministry of Health, Community, Development, Gender, Elderly and  Children 
  • Staff of Cuso International, CAM, and volunteers.
Read Also:

Deliverable -This evaluation should produce: 
1. Inception report:
  • The detailed methodology based on the terms of reference; 
  • A clear sampling methodology;
  • Detailed planning of each task of the evaluation process and the persons  involved in each task; 
  • List of stakeholders to consult;
  • Data collection tools.

2. Final report, including the following parts:
  • An abstract comprising: background, methodology, key findings with respect to  evaluation criteria / questions, a table showing baseline results and end-of- project indicators, as well as recommendations and lessons learned. 
  • The main report, including: context, purpose and evaluation criteria, evaluation  design and methodology (including sampling), findings for each evaluation criterion, a & quot;before-after" analysis of results obtained, conclusions and recommendations. 
  • Annexes:a digital file containing (in full version) the qualitative and quantitative  data collected and reviewed, terms of reference, data collection tools, the team’s itinerary; lists of respondents and reference documents should also be attached. 

3. PowerPoint presentation
This presentation should summarize the evaluation implementation plan, methodology,  sampling, scope, key findings and recommendations, in order to inform the management teams of the various institutions as well as project staff. 

Profile of the consultant
The skills listed below are required of the consultant and / or consultancy:
  • At least 5 years of experience in the field of development;
  • At least three (3) evaluations of projects / programs conducted over the last 5  years ; 
  • Excellent command of participatory approaches;
  • Proven work experience in the field of sexual and reproductive health;
  • Knowledge of the socio-political context.
Term of the evaluation
The total duration to complete this evaluation shall be no more than 45 (forty-five) days,  starting from the date of signature of the consulting contract. 

The consultants invited to tender must provide the following:
1) A technical offer including- A note stating understanding of the terms of reference, and presenting the methodology to be used.
- The proposed schedule for the evaluation exercise.
2) Detailed CVs of the person(s) to be mobilized for this evaluation highlighting the  references and experiences of other similar evaluations conducted; 
3) The budget projected for this evaluation stands at USD 11 000.

 Annexes to the TOR
The cited as Annexes are available to consultants who would wish to request for them  at 
Annex I: Performance Measurement Framework
Annexe II: Methodology used during the baseline survey 

How to Apply?
Please manually apply for this job using the details below:
Applicants (institutions or independent persons) interested in bidding for this
consultancy must provide the aforementioned items on or before 16hrs Friday 11th October 2019 (Deadline), to the following address: