Title: Making Policies Work for Smallholder Farmers
Job Summary
This short-term consultancy assignment focuses on the rationalization
and harmonization of the dairy sub- sector regulations for premise
inspection and product testing with the aim of improving sub-sector
competitiveness, and increasing employment opportunities and dairy
smallholder farmer income.
- Minimum Qualification: Bachelor
- Experience Level: Management level
- Experience Length: 3 years
Job Description
1.0. Introduction
is implementing a two-year project called Transforming Agricultural
Markets (TAM), which started in August 2018, and is funded by UKAID. The
TAM project aims to improve livelihoods and economic opportunity for
smallholder farmers by empowering them to effect changes in the dairy
and sunflower market systems through engaging with government and
private sector providers.
This short-term consultancy assignment
focuses on the rationalisation and harmonisation of the dairy
sub- sector regulations for premise inspection and product testing with
the aim of improving sub-sector competitiveness, and increasing
employment opportunities and dairy smallholder farmer income.
2.0. Background
Netherlands Development Organization is an international,
not-for-profit, development organization, working in 36 of the poorest
countries worldwide, including 17 countries in Sub Saharan Africa. We
focus on achieving impact in Agriculture; Energy; and Water, Sanitation
& Hygiene. By sharing our specialist expertise in Agriculture;
Energy; and Water, Sanitation & Hygiene, our global team of local
and international advisors works with local partners to equip
communities, businesses and organisations with the tools, knowledge and
connections they need to increase their incomes and gain access to basic
services – empowering them to break the cycle of poverty and guide
their own development.
The TAM project Theory of Change is that by
working with citizens, private sector and government at sub-national
level on specific, actor-led systems issues to produce data and
facilitate stakeholder analysis the project can broaden understanding,
build consensus, and strengthen accountability relationships
for collective action to: i) make existing policies work at the local
level, and to provide empirical and ii) provide written evidence for
national level policy dialogue and reforms. The project aims at
achieving the following impact and outcomes:
Impact: Improved livelihoods of SHFs and SMEs in the dairy and sunflower market systems Long term
Increased access and inclusiveness to basic services (production,
financial, capacity services) and strengthened business environment for
SHFs and agribusinesses in dairy and sunflower
market systems.
Increased responsiveness of Government to the issues of smallholder
farmers and SMEs. This outcome will be achieved through the following
b) Increased collective actions of stakeholders for the
improvement of access to basic services and entitlements, and business
environment. This outcome will be achieved through the following
TAM project focuses on making policies work for SHF and SMEs by
enhancing good governance, accountability and responsiveness by
government, local organisations and stakeholders in dairy and sunflower
market systems.
Within the dairy market system, the project intervenes in two key result areas:
i) making cooperatives functional and ii) harmonization of regulations.
In functional cooperatives the project works with 22 dairy cooperatives
in Siha and Hai districts to improve delivery of services to dairy
farmers through building accountability relations between cooperatives,
government and private sector.
The project also works with
national level actors through the National Task Force NTF lead by TAMPA
to harmonise regulations in the dairy subsector in order to create an
enabling business environment for a competitive dairy sector in
Tanzania. The NTF members include representatives from TDB, TBS,
OSHA, MIT, ML&F, TF Ltd, ASAS Dairies & TAMPA.
approach aims for systemic change in targeted markets through
evidence-based advocacy based on practical experience and research and
sharing of data/information and evidence in a transparent way. TAM also
promotes collaboration between public, private, and civil society
sectors through multi-stakeholder processes and platforms, working
groups, coalitions, and alliances. TAM interventions are
solution-oriented aiming at addressing system issues in the sector and
support stakeholder to jointly develop feasible improvements and
concrete solutions.
In addition to capacity strengthening, the
project supports the boundary and strategic partners in enhancing their
voices to communicate key messages to a wider public in order to raise
awareness about what is transpiring in the market systems, to advocate
and lobby for good governance especially accountability in the delivery
of services and enhancing conducive business enabling environment.
Read Also:
It is therefore against this background that SNV is seeking the services of an independent consultant to provide support to TAMPA and the NTF to identify regulations and evidence of the negative impacts in the sector and recommendations to government on harmonising these regulations. The consultancy is also required to support TAMPA and its members to develop evidence required to VAT zero-rate inputs for the dairy sector.
3.0. Purpose and objective of the assignment
The purpose of the assignment is to produce evidence for policy reform of the existing dairy regulations and VAT zero rating of dairy inputs. The aim is to identify the negative impact of the remaining regulations in the dairy sector and how these regulations could be further harmonised. The assignment also intends to gather key information and evidence from dairy stakeholders required to support the re-introduction of VAT zero rating of dairy industry inputs for collection, transportation, bulking and processing, which was removed in 2017. The assignment also aim to contribute to the achievement of the overall objective of the National Blueprint for Regulatory Reforms to Improve the Business Enabling Environment in Tanzania, i.e. the improvement of the business environment in Tanzania through the reduction of the regulatory burdens and risks faced by business in complying with regulations.
The objective of the assignment is to provide TAMPA and the Dairy Sector National Task Force with an analysis of regulatory challenges and evidence-based report with clear recommendations with respect to existing regulations and the re-introduction of zero rating of dairy industry inputs for lobbying and advocacy for reforms.
4.0. Scope of work
The assignment will involve mainly desk research and consultations with key dairy stakeholders directly related to the two issues – negative impact of regulations and zero rating for dairy inputs. The consultant will engage and collect information from a selected number of milk processors, regulatory authorities, relevant ministries in Dodoma, key resource persons and organisations. The consultant will also organise validation sessions in Dodoma with key stakeholders on the results of the study. To realize the objective the consultant is required to: a) produce an inception report detailing the proposed methodology and report formats and b) undertake the following key activities with related deliverables:
Key Activity 1: Develop a synthesis of analyses and recommendations of the existing dairy regulations and regulatory overlaps which still impact negatively the dairy subsector.
The consultant will:
i. Carry out a literature review and analysis of existing regulations, covering both policy (de jure) and practice (de facto) perspectives.
ii. Gather data and information from key stakeholders on the impact of existing regulations on key factors such as: operational costs (time and cost of compliance), competitiveness and investment planning for diversifying and/or expanding production and for backward linkages (e.g. through contract farming) into dairy production
iii. Gather recommendations from key stakeholders on the regulations which could be fast tracked for change or elimination
iv. Clear articulation of the short term (low hanging fruits) regulatory reform or harmonisation relatively quickly; time and cost of compliance are to be given specific attention.
v. Produce a synthesis of the findings and recommendations, which take into consideration the objectives and principles of the Government of Tanzania’s Blueprint for Business Environment
vi. Organise validation session with key stakeholders to provide inputs and comments on the final recommendations to government to change or eliminate negative regulations
vii. Support TAMPA and NTF to present to responsible minister the recommendations for eliminating or reforming current regulation which impacts the sector negatively.
Deliverables: A synthesised report of not more than 20 pages on the negative impact of existing regulations on the dairy industry and it development, with clear recommendations and how the
recommendations would be addressed.
Key Activity 2: Produce a comprehensive evidence-based report on the impact of removing VAT zero rating of dairy inputs, to be submitted to parliament
i. Using the synthesis of findings from consultations with TAMPA on existing relevant VAT zero rating documentations, relevant data collection and analysis from other relevant dairy stakeholders prepare a draft comprehensive report on zero rating of dairy inputs including but not limited to the criteria:
ii. Organise validation sessions and receive inputs to improve the final version of the VAT zero- rating report on dairy inputs
iii. Provide recommendations for quick wins and medium-term policy changes for VAT zero rating on dairy inputs on improved business environment.
iv. Provide TAMPA and stakeholders to present the report to the relevant parliamentary committee for tabling.
Deliverables: A comprehensive report (not exceeding 20 pages) on VAT zero rating of dairy inputs to be presented to parliamentary committee.
Key activity 3: Produce a policy paper on reforming and eliminating regulations with negative impact to the dairy sector as well as VAT zero rating on dairy industry inputs.
i. Draft the policy paper based on the above synthesis of analyses and recommendations for the negative regulations and VAT zero rating on dairy inputs.
ii. Prepare and present a power-point presentation on the main points of the policy papers to the Dairy National Task Force,
iii. Finalise the policy paper based on the feedback from the NTF and the TAM team.
Deliverables: 1) Policy paper (not exceeding 4 pages) on reforming and elimination of negatively impacting regulations and 2). Policy paper (not exceeding 4pages) on VAT zero rating on dairy inputs.
5.0. Methodology
The consultant will propose a methodology for the assignment and provide justification of the proposed methodology. It is suggested that the methodology should include, but is not limited to the following:
i. Face-to-face discussions with key TAM project staff to create a common understanding on the assignment and its deliverables
ii. A desktop review of relevant project, TAMPA reports, dairy regulations
iii. Interviews and focus groups discussions with TAMPA, the National Task Force members, Ministry of Industries, Ministry of Livestock, dairy processors, Regulatory authorities,
6.0. Time Frame and reporting
6.1 Timeframe
The assignment period is for a total not exceeding 25 working days, delivered within the period 10th Nov 2019 to 15th Dec 2019
6.2 Reporting
The consultant will work under the direction of and report to the TAM Project Manager, Mr Tom Ole Sikar.
7.0. Competence required
The consultant must clearly demonstrate skills and experience for this assignment in:
• More than 10 years’ experience in livestock and dairy industry development in East Africa, including Tanzania
• Proven experience in livestock and dairy policy analysis and development,
• Proven experience on collaborating with government on harmonising dairy regulations and laws,
• Good understanding of the Blue-Print for harmonising regulations in Tanzania,
• Experience in governance and development projects are an added advantage.
• Proven ability to produce high quality analysis and documentation, including political economy analysis
CHECK SCHOLARSHIPS OPPORTUNITIES TO STUDY ABROAD CLICK HERE!8.0. Selection criteria for engagement (Copy and paste the link below to see more on this criteria)
Applicants are advised that applications will be evaluated using the following criteria:
9.0. Applicants are requested to submit:
A. An application letter
B. The CV of the registered consultant and CVS for key personnel and clearly specified roles for team members, where applicable
C. A sample of a previous similar scope of work produced by the consultant within the last 24 months.
D. Names and contact details for at least three relevant references
E. Mandatory requirements: copies of:
• Tax Identification Number (TIN);
• The completed and filled Conflict of Interest Statement
Please submit your Expression of Interest entitled “Evidence-based VAT Zero Rating and Impact of Negative Regulations in Dairy – TAM Project” in the subject line and email to:
tanzaniaprocurement@snv.org no later than 17:00 hrs on Monday 08th November 2019.