Consultancy for The National Strategy Job at UNICEF Tanzania | Deadline: 9th September, 2018

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Consultancy for The National Strategy on Last Mile for Elimination of OD and Accelerating the Achievement of SDG targets on sanitation and hygiene for Tanzania 2018-2025 (3 Months) Job at UNICEF | | Deadline: 9th September, 2018
Job Number: 515968
Locations: Africa: Tanzania,Uni.Re
Work Type : Consultancy
This will be carried out in two phases. First phase, support the MOHCDGEC in the formulation and finalization of the National Strategy on Last Mile for Elimination of OD and Accelerating the Achievement of SDG targets on sanitation and hygiene for Tanzania 2018-2025 document with an aligned costed plan. Second phase, will entail supporting 6 UNICEF-target districts in Mbeya, Iringa and Njombe regions in developing own sanitation strategies (ODF strategies - 5 districts and one Post-ODF strategy for Njombe district) with aligned costed plans based on their local contexts.
  • Background
The Government of Tanzania has committed to achieve a target of 100% coverage in basic service level in water supply, sanitation and hygiene by 2030. The SDGs are more ambitious aiming at universal access to basic WASH service with specific reference to ending open defecation, moving up the sanitation ladder and improving equity and inclusion. However, progress on access to adequate WASH services has been very slow and highly inequitable with rural populations disproportionately deprived. In comparison to water supply, sanitation and hygiene is still lagging behind in terms of priority and funding. In this regard, a strategy is needed to provide a road map to move the category of populations practicing OD directly to adopting construction and use of improved latrines while pulling the large proportion using unimproved latrines up the sanitation ladder. It will include a costed plan.
  • Justification
According to the TDHS 2015/2016, 10% of Tanzanians still practice open defecation, in addition to a huge burden of 73% of rural populations using unimproved latrines that do not protect them from fecal contamination. The ODF strategy will be developed to guide complete elimination of OD in the country in tandem with moving the unimproved sanitation category up the sanitation ladder. Diarrhea, one of the leading cause of morbidity and mortality among populations, accounts for 12% of the disease burden in children under 5 in Tanzania (TDHS 2015/2016). Globally, 88% of all diarrhea is attributed to poor Water, sanitation and hygiene. Cholera is an indicator of ingestion of faecal matter either through food or water and as of 8th August 2018, there were 32,067 cases with 532 deaths and CFR 1.7 (MOHCDGEC daily report; WHO Fact Sheet 2018). Statistics on stunting in Tanzania are not any better. According to the TDHS 2015-2016, 2.7million (34%) of Tanzanian children suffer from stunted growth. Emerging evidence have demonstrated environmental enteropathy as having a huge negative impact on children’s nutritional status; which has helped to explain why purely nutritional interventions have not been effective in improving stunting in contexts of overcrowding and poor WASH (UNICEF, 2014).  Increasing use of basic sanitation and practicing safe hygiene behaviors is the key to preventing future diarrhoea and cholera cases and stunting reduction. Hence, a comprehensive nationwide strategy will act as a springboard to catapult the goal of ODF Tanzania by 2030. In the same spirit, in the UNICEF focus areas, the 6 LGAs will be facilitated to develop own ODF strategies.

This Strategy will also contribute to the UNICEF-GoT Country Program Strategic Plan 2016/2021, Outputs 3 and 4 and is in line with the UNDAP WASH and Nutrition Objective which highlights that Government of Tanzania and Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar implement a coordinated, scaled up national response for improved water, Sanitation and Hygiene and Nutrition. One of the four focus pillars of the nutrition component of the UNICEF Country Programme is to support stunting prevention through scaling-up optimal nutrition interventions. Stunting reduction is a national priority being addressed through a nationwide Accelerated Stunting Reduction Programme. 

Objectives of the Consultancy
The key objectives of this consultancy are to:
  1. Take stock of and assess the recent developments in the sanitation and hygiene sub sector;
  2. Draft the National Strategy on Last Mile for Elimination of OD and Accelerating the Achievement of SDG targets on sanitation and hygiene for Tanzania 2018-2025 aligned with Government of Tanzania policies, the development Vision 2025, the Water Sector Development Programme, the SDGs, and the institutional framework for rural and urban sanitation and hygiene in Tanzania;
  3. Draw up a national costed implementation plan, implementation option and financing options for purposes of meeting the sanitation and hygiene targets under the SDG;
  4. Prepare and submit a strategy document (i.e. i. National Strategy on Last Mile for Elimination of OD and Accelerating the Achievement of SDG targets on sanitation and hygiene for Tanzania 2018-2025; ii. 6 district level ODF strategies) with aligned costed plans.

Specific Tasks
In order to meet the objectives listed in Section 3, the consultant will undertake the following tasks:
  1. Carry out a detailed assessment of the sector performance and analyze the successes and challenges the sub sector faces in its current form. This review should include the legal and institutional framework in the sanitation and hygiene sub sector.
  2. Undertake consultations with key stakeholders (Government, national/sub-national level institutions, co-operating partners, NGOs, academia, private sector etc.)
  3. Institutional arrangement - National Strategy on Last Mile for Elimination of OD and Accelerating the Achievement of SDG targets on sanitation and hygiene for Tanzania 2018-2025 developemt will be government-led, multi-stakeholder initiative with coordinated inputs from Government, local/religious leaders, external support agencies, the media and the private sector.  Accordingly, review and recommend the roles and responsibilities of the key stakeholders.
  4. As part of the National Strategy on Last Mile for Elimination of OD and Accelerating the Achievement of SDG targets on sanitation and hygiene for Tanzania 2018-2025, develop a costed implementation plan, implementation options and sustainable financing options for the sanitation (urban, peri urban and rural areas) in Tanzania. Guided by the Government of Tanzania Water and Sanitation Development Programme Financing Mechanism; the Tanzania Development Vision 2025 and available SDG financing tools/options. The financing options under the strategy document should cover both new investments and maintenance or rehabilitation of infrastructure.
  5. As part of the Strategy, review the NSMIS and the Group 4 coordination, monitoring and evaluation framework and its readiness to support implementation of the strategy;
  6. Conduct an internal Technical consultative meetings and one National and one sub-national consultative workshops
  7. Conduct one national and one sub-national dissemination workshop to present and validate the strategy documents, and collect feedback on the same.
  8. Following feedback, consolidate and submit a final National Strategy on Last Mile for Elimination of OD and Accelerating the Achievement of SDG targets on sanitation and hygiene for Tanzania 2018-2025 and 6 sub-national ODF strategies package for endorsement and dissemination by Government of Tanzania and UNICEF.

The inception work under this consultancy will be prefaced with a thorough literature review of the current landscape of sanitation and hygiene issues in Tanzania and globally, as well as interviews with relevant stakeholders, in order to inform the shape and scope of the Strategy document. A section of the strategy will be devoted to a thorough literature review on sustainability factors. Additionally,
  1. A desk review will be carried out to identify relevant secondary data that could be used to qualify/further bolster the contents of the ODF 2030 document. The review and finalisation of the document will rely on, but not limited to:
  • Extractions from the TDHS 2015/16 data as well as from the NSMIS platform).
  • Desk reviews, and sustainability checks from the WASH Sector of Tanzania
  • Any other studies and reviews done under the WSDP
  • Implementation plans and formulation of sanitation and hygiene financing option while making reference to Tanzania Development Vision 2025, the SDG Agenda, WSDP Financing Mechanisms; and or other regionally/globally acknowledged best practices for financing sanitation/hygiene investments and plans;
  • Review of the financing mechanisms as contained in the WASH Sector Financing mechanism and tailored to fit the Sanitation and hygiene sub sector and guided by other regionally/globally acknowledged best practices for sanitation/hygiene plans;
  1. Conduct meetings with key sanitation and hygiene sector partners: Hold meetings/undertake consultations with the key government line ministries/agencies: Ministry of Health Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children; President's Office-Regional and Local Government's (PO-RALG); Ministry Education, Science and Technology (MOEST);  Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MOWI); Ministry of Finance (MoF), Town Water and Sewerage Service Providers/Local Utilities;  as well as key development partners (including but not limited to the World Bank, African Development Bank, WaterAid, Plan International, UNICEF, GIZ, Local NGOs, Private Sector etc.).

Interviews and field visits shall be supported by MOHCDGEC, in partnership with UNICEF. A technical Team under TWG-4, will be established by MOHCDGEC to oversee this assignment and provide necessary strategic guidance and advice to the consultant.  The consultant shall present a draft final report to MOHCDGEC Technical group then after to TWG-4 meeting and thereafter, taking into account comments, feedback and observations from the meetings, consolidate this and prepare and submit a final document (i.e. National Strategy on Last Mile for Elimination of OD and Accelerating the Achievement of SDG targets on sanitation and hygiene for Tanzania 2018-2025 package). In addition the consultant will conduct consultation meetings in Mbeya, Iringa and Njombe Regions to compile inputs for the 6 district-level ODF strategies. 

Expected Deliverables
The main deliverables/time lines for this assignment are as follows:
Tasks Output Deliverable Timeframe
Inception Phase Work plan, timeframe and methodology and tools for data collection Inception Report
One week from signing of contract
desk/literature review and Consultative meetings (one National and one sub-national) i). Background on sanitation and hygiene in the country
ii). Recommendations on key areas to be included in the National Strategy on Last Mile for Elimination of OD and Accelerating the Achievement of SDG targets on sanitation and hygiene for Tanzania 2018-2025;
iii). Costed implementation plan, implementation and financing options (National and sub-national);
Draft National Strategy on Last Mile for Elimination of OD and Accelerating the Achievement of SDG targets on sanitation and hygiene for Tanzania 2018-2025 Report
Month 2 from submission of Inception Report
Internal MOHCDGEC-led  meeting with the technical team in Dodoma to present the Draft Tanzania ODF Strategy Report of meeting proceedings with inputs from participants for incorporation into the Report. Internal MOHCDGEC led meeting with technical team Proceedings Report
One week from Submission of Draft ODF Strategy Report
Presentation at the TWG – 4 extra-ordinary meeting/workshop – National and one meeting at Sub-national (UNICEF supported areas) Report of workshop proceedings with inputs from participants for incorporation into the final Report. MOHCDGEC led TWIG-4 Workshop Proceedings Report
One week from the MOHCDGEC internal working group presentation meeting
Incorporate and consolidate input/feedback from the internal technical working meeting and submit Final ODF Strategy 2030 Consolidated National Strategy on Last Mile for Elimination of OD and Accelerating the Achievement of SDG targets on sanitation and hygiene for Tanzania 2018-2025. Report incorporating inputs/feedback from MOHCDGEC led internal technical working meeting
  1. Final National Strategy on Last Mile for Elimination of OD and Accelerating the Achievement of SDG targets on sanitation and hygiene for Tanzania 2018-2025. both hard and soft copies)
  2. Financing options;
  3. Costed Plan;
  1. Power Point Presentation.
Three weeks after the Stakeholder workshop
Presentation of the draft district level ODF strategies to the Regional and District water and sanitation teams and other stakeholders in Mbeya and its finalization. Consolidated District-level Strategy on Last Mile for Elimination of OD and Accelerating the Achievement of SDG targets on sanitation and hygiene 2018-2025. Report incorporating inputs/feedback from MOHCDGEC and Regional and District Water and Sanitation teams.
  1. Final 6 district-level Strategy on Last Mile for Elimination of OD and Accelerating the Achievement of SDG targets on sanitation and hygiene 2018-2025. both hard and soft copies)
  1. Financing options;
  2. Costed Plan;
  3. Power Point Presentation.
3 weeks after submission of the National Strategy documents.
  • Payments
First payment  - 20 percent of contract value Upon submission and acceptance, by MOHCDGEC and UNICEF, of the Inception Report
Second payment 30 per cent of contract value Upon submission and acceptance of National Strategy on Last Mile for Elimination of OD and Accelerating the Achievement of SDG targets on sanitation and hygiene for Tanzania 2018-2025 Report (National and sub-National)
Third payment 10 per cent of contract value Upon submission and acceptance, by MOHCDGEC and UNICEF, of the Internal MOHCDGEC technical meetings Proceedings Report
Upon submission and acceptance, by MOHCDGEC and UNICEF, of the MOHCDGEC-Led TWG – 4 technical meetings Proceedings Report
Fourth payment 20 per cent of contract value Upon successful completion, submission and acceptance, by MOHCDGEC and UNICEF, of the Final Report (National Strategy on Last Mile for Elimination of OD and Accelerating the Achievement of SDG targets on sanitation and hygiene for Tanzania 2018-2025 package)
Final Payment 20 per cent of contract value Upon successful facilitation and compilation of sub-national stakeholder engagement and meeting report as well as the submission and acceptance of the Final 6 Districts ODF strategy package.

In general, payments should be made against delivery of services / products.
  • Expected background and Experience
  • An advanced university degree (Master’s level) in Social Sciences, Public Health, Engineering or related technical field relevant to WASH.
  • Ten years of progressively responsible relevant work experience at national and international levels in WASH programme planning and management in a related field with emphasis on overall management of strategic planning, leadership, coordination and hygiene/sanitation behavior change communication.
  • Extensive experience in institutional capacity assessment, analysis and strengthening in development and emergency context in developing countries.
  • Proven ability to develop strategies, guidelines and action plans on development initiatives preferably on WASH in developing countries.
  • Demonstrated experience in interfacing with Government, UN agencies, NGO’s and donors particularly on policy issues.
  • Knowledge of the regional/global sanitation and hygiene monitoring landscape and financing of sanitation and hygiene sector with various actors at different levels and well versed with SDG agenda.
  • Proven ability to express clearly and concisely ideas and concepts in written and oral form in English.

General Conditions: Procedures and Logistics
The individual consultant will be contracted by and report to UNICEF Tanzania, which will assess the deliverables for payment. The Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children, will quality assure the expected deliverables and will facilitate access to information and resources for the consultant. The payments will be triggered by the approval from the MoHCDGEC through a note for the record through the Assistant Director, Environmental Health and Sanitation section on the work that consultant has submitted.
UNICEF WASH Specialist in close consultation and coordination with the MOHCDGEC will provide supportive supervision of the Consultant. This supervision will take the form of the following:-
  1. The Consultant will work from the UNICEF Dar es Salaam office as well at the MOHCDGEC office in Dodoma as need be.
  2. The MOHCDGEC will constitute a Technical Team that will work closely with the Consultant in drafting the documents.
  3. Weekly Meetings at UNICEF to brief the WASH Specialist on progress and challenges being faced by the Consultant. A schedule will be agreed upon with the Consultant once on board;
  4. UNICEF WASH Specialist will facilitate the payments for the consultant based on submission of deliverables satisfactory to both MOHCDGEC and UNICEF. The deliverable will be submitted in hard bound copy and soft copy delivered by email (editable word document, excel table if any used, power point presentations, and a final pdf document).
  5. The MOHCDGEC will lead and facilitate all the consultation meetings and workshops and related logistics.

Application/Submission Requirements
  1. Technical Proposal
The documents for the Technical Proposal should include, but not limited to:
  1. Total number of years of experience in the undertaking nationwide Sanitation and Hygiene studies, assessments and evaluations, development of strategic plans;
  2. Description of major similar assignments undertaken during the last 5 years including name of the project, location, name and contact details (e-mail and telephone) of the client, implementation period, cost of the project, cost of services provided and scope of services;
  3. Description of services offered in relation to Sanitation and Hygiene studies, assessments and evaluations, strategic plans;
  4. Proposed approach and methodology in response to the scope of works to the assignments
  5. Proposed work plan for the assignment which also indicates reporting milestones.

The submission should be clearly labelled/written "Request for Proposal – Consultancy to develop National and sub-national ODF Strategy - Tanzania - Technical Proposal”.
  1. Financial Proposal
The Financial bid should comprise an indication of the full cost of delivering the task. The Financial Bid should include the following aspects:
  1. Detailed budget per line items including cost for data collection, entry, analysis and dissemination, consultant fees, transportation, etc.
  2. Other related costs, if any (please specify).

The submission should be clearly labelled/written “Request for Proposal – Consultancy to draft the National and sub-national ODF Strategy - Tanzania - Financial Proposal 

Assessment Criteria
Interested consultants will need to indicate ability, availability and financial proposal to undertake the terms of reference and produce all indicated deliverables.
Submitted proposals will be evaluated against a score of 100 points with a maximum of 70 points allocated for the technical proposal and 30 points allocated for the financial proposal. A minimum of 50 points will be required for further consideration.
The proposals will be evaluated as indicated below.
Technical Criteria
Technical Sub-criteria
Overall Response Completeness of response
Education and Experience of the Consultant Education background and competencies related to job including breadth  and depth of relevant experience with similar projects:
Proposed Methodology and Approach Relevance and rigor of the technical approach/ methodology, including consideration of the context
Maximum Points for Proposed Methodology and Approach
Budget size
TOTAL Maximum

Opening Date Sun Sep 02 2018 09:00:00 GMT+0300 (E. Africa Standard Time) E. Africa Standard Time
Closing Date Sun Sep 09 2018 23:55:00 GMT+0300 (E. Africa Standard Time)